Publications by hrbrmstr

Global Temperature Change in R & D3 (without the vertigo)


This made the rounds on social media last week: Spiraling global temperatures from 1850-2016 (full animation)— Ed Hawkins (@ed_hawkins) May 9, 2016 One of the original versions was static and was not nearly as popular, but—as you can see—this one went viral. Despite the public’s infatuat...

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On Whether Y-axis Labels Are Always Necessary


The infamous @albertocairo blogged about a nice interactive piece on German company tax avoidance by @ProPublica. Here’s a snapshot of their interactive chart: Dr. Cairo (his PhD is in the bag as far as I’m concerned 🙂 posited: Isn’t it weird that the chart doesn’t have a scale on the Y-axis? It’s not the first time I see this, and...

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Your data vis “Spidey-sense” & the need for a robust “utility belt”


@theboysmithy did a great piece on coming up with an alternate view for a timeline for an FT piece. Here’s an excerpt (read the whole piece, though, it’s worth it): Here is an example from a story recently featured in the FT: emerging- market populations are expected to age more rapidly than those in developed countries. The figures alone a...

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A Call to Arms[list] Data Analysis!


The NPR vis team contributed to a recent story about Armslist, a “craigslist for guns”. Now, I’m neither pro-“gun” or anti-“gun” since this subject, like most heated ones, has more than two sides. What I am is pro-data, and the U.S. Congress is so deep in the pockets of the NRA that there’s no way for there to be any Federally-sup...

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Making “Time Rivers” in R


Once again, @albertocairo notices an interesting chart and spurs pondering in the visualization community with his post covering an unusual “vertical time series” chart produced for the print version of the NYTimes: I’m actually less concerned about the vertical time series chart component here since I agree with TAVE* Cairo that folks are...

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A Simple Prediction Web Service Using the New fiery Package


fiery is a new Rook/httuv-based R web server in town created by @thomasp85 that aims to fill the gap between raw http & websockets and Shiny with a flexible framework for handling requests and serving up responses. The intent of this post is to provide a quick-start to using it setup a prediction API service. We’ll be using the super complex m...

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Bridging The Political [Polygons] Gap with ggplot2


The @pewresearch folks have been collecting political survey data for quite a while, and I noticed the visualization below referenced in a Tableau vis contest entry: Those are filled frequency polygons, which are super-easy to replicate in ggplot2, especially since Pew even kind of made the data available via their interactive visualization (it�...

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CRAN Packages on GitHub (and some CRAN DESCRIPTION observations)


Just about a week ago @thosjleeper posited something on twitter w/r/t how many CRAN packages had associations with GitHub (i.e. how many used GitHub for development). The DESCRIPTION file (that comes with all R packages) has some fields that can house this information and most folks who do use GitHub for development of R seem to use the URL field...

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Slaying CIDR Orcs with Triebeard (a.k.a. fast trie-based ‘IPv4-in-CIDR’ lookups in R)


The insanely productive elf-lord, @quominus put together a small package (triebeard) that exposes an API for radix/prefix tries at both the R and Rcpp levels. I know he had some personal needs for this and we both kinda need these to augment some functions in our iptools package. Despite triebeard having both a vignette and function-level example...

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Mid-year R Packages Update Summary


I been updating some existing packages and github-releasing new ones (before a CRAN push). Most are “cyber”-related, but there are some general purpose ones. Here’s a quick overview: docxtractr (CRAN, now, v0.2.0) was initially designed to make it easy to get data tables out of MS Word (docx) documents. The update removes use of a deprecat...

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