Publications by hrbrmstr
52Vis Week 2 (2016 Week #14) – Honing in on the Homeless
Why 52Vis? In case folks are wondering why I’m doing this, it’s pretty simple. We need a society that has high data literacy and we need folks who are capable of making awesome, truthful data visualizations. The only way to do that is by working with data over, and over, and over, and over again. Directed projects with some reward are one of...
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geom_lollipop() by the Chartettes
I make a fair share of bar charts throughout the day and really like switching to lollipop charts to mix things up a bit and enhance the visual appeal. They’re easy to do in ggplot2, just use your traditional x & y mapping for geom_point() and then use (you probably want to call this first, actually) geom_segment() mapping the yend aesthetic to...
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Clandestine DNS lookups with gdns
Google recently announced their DNS-over-HTTPS API, which “enhances privacy and security between a client and a recursive resolver, and complements DNSSEC to provide end-to-end authenticated DNS lookups”. The REST API they provided was pretty simple to wrap into a package and I tossed in some SPF functions that I had lying around to bulk it u...
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Beating lollipops into dumbbells
Shortly after I added lollipop charts to ggalt I had a few requests for a dumbbell geom. It wasn’t difficult to do modify the underlying lollipop Geoms to make a geom_dumbbell(). Here it is in action: library(ggplot2) library(ggalt) # devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/ggalt") library(dplyr) # from: URL <-...
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52 Vis Week 1 Winners!
The response to 52Vis has exceeded expectations and there have been great entries for both weeks. It’s time to award some prizes! Week 1 – Send in the Drones I’ll take this week in comment submission order (remember, the rules changed to submission via PR in Week 2). NOTE: WordPress seems to have “eaten” the animations on upload, so ple...
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52 Vis Week #2 Wrap Up
I’ve been staring at this homeless data set for a few weeks now since I’m using it both here and in the data science class I’m teaching. It’s been one of the most mindful data sets I’ve worked with in a while. Even when reduced to pure numbers in named columns, the names really stick with you…“Unsheltered Homeless People in Families...
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52Vis Week #3 – Waste Not, Want Not
The Wall Street Journal did a project piece a while back in the “Waste Lands: America’s Forgotten Nuclear Legacy”. They dug through Department of Energy and CDC data to provide an overview of the lingering residue of this toxic time in America’s past (somehow, I have to believe the fracking phenomena of our modern era will end up doing fa...
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(ggplot2) Exercising with (ggalt) dumbbells
I follow the most excellent Pew Research folks on Twitter to stay in tune with what’s happening (statistically speaking) with the world. Today, they tweeted this excerpt from their 2015 Global Attitudes survey: The age gap in social media use around the world— PewResearch Internet (@pewintern...
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Pining for the fjoRds & monitoring SSL/TLS certificate expiration in R with flexdashboard
Rumors of my demise have been (almost) greatly exaggerated. Folks have probably noticed that #52Vis has stalled, as has most blogging, package & Twitter activity. I came down with a nasty bout of bronchitis after attending rOpenSci Unconf 16 (there were so many people hacking [the sick kind] up a storm in SFO!) and then managed to get pneumonia (...
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New #rstats Podcast – R World News
Keeping up with R-related news on Twitter, GitHub, CRAN & even R-Bloggers (et al) can be an all-encompassing task that may be fun, but doesn’t always make it easy to get work done. There is so much going on in the R community that we (myself and @jayjacobs) felt there was room for another podcast focused on the (highly subjective) “best of th...
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