Publications by Greg Buck
Overview This document covers output from five regression models run against four major age classes in this river. The regression models are: Sibling log(Sibling) LogY(Sibling) LnR vs. LnR Ricker The first three forecast models are based on linear regressions of sibling relationships. Below are the sibling relationships that are relevant for e...
1957 sym 38 img 20 tbl
##Naknek/Kvichak District As of 8 July 2019 the inshore run is 4,485,928. At this point in the run there is a decent relationship between run to date and final run size (R-square = 0.77, Slope = 1.29; Fig. 1). The UW guys seem to think you can make forecast. By my calculations you’ll need to have a district run timing of 6 days late. Projectio...
766 sym R (40 sym/1 pcs)
2020 togiak herring ASL
library(plotly) library(tidyverse) library(knitr) library(kableExtra) library(ggformula) setwd("~/2020 Herring") dat <- read.csv("combined.samples.csv") tmp <- subset(dat,age<28) tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(Catch.Date = as.Date(Catch.Date)) In 2020 there were no gillneters participated in the fishery and only one processor (Icicle) particip...
1136 sym R (1825 sym/7 pcs) 1 img 3 tbl
togiak projection
Summary As of 19 July 2020 the inshore run is 225,338 of which 161,438 is harvest, 63,900 is escapement and an additional 0 fish estimated to be between the fleet and the counting tower. As of 19 July 2020 (R-square for a eight day late run = 0.58; Fig. 1). The 2020 pre-season forecast for Togiak district calls for a total run of 930,000 sockeye....
1461 sym
ugashik projection
Summary As of 23 July 2020 the inshore run is 3,832,822 of which 2,304,922 is harvest, 1,527,900 is escapement and an additional 0 fish estimated to be between the fleet and the counting tower. As of 23 July 2020 (R-square for a five day late run = 0.97; Fig. 1). The 2020 pre-season forecast for Ugashik district calls for a total run of 4,670,000...
1469 sym
Naknek-Kvichak Projection
Summary As of 23 July 2020 the inshore run is 24,270,397 of which 13,843,801 is harvest, 10,426,596 is escapement and an additional 0 fish estimated to be between the fleet and the counting towers (R-square for a four day late run = 1; Fig. 1). The 2020 pre-season forecast for the Naknake-Kvichak district calls for a total run of 19,970,000 socke...
1461 sym
Nushagak Projection
Summary As of 23 July 2020 the inshore run is 12,612,309 of which 8,862,714 is harvest, 3,749,595 is escapement and an additional 0 fish estimated to be between the fleet and the counting towers or sonar. As of 23 July 2020 (R-square for a three day late run = 1; Fig. 1). The 2020 forecast for the Nushagak district predicts a total run of 12,630,...
1468 sym
Egegik Projection
Summary As of 23 July 2020 the inshore run is 14,996,715 of which 12,613,017 is harvest, 2,383,698 is escapement and an additional 0 fish estimated to be between the fleet and the counting tower. As of 23 July 2020 (R-square for a three days late run = 1; Fig. 1). The 2020 pre-season forecast for Egegik district calls for a total run of 10,750,00...
1466 sym
Escapement dashboard
Escapement Dashboard (updated 7/24/20) Ugashik Column Cumulative Escapment 1,527,900 Escapement Projection: on time 1,612,904 Escapement Projection: 1 day late 1,645,573 Escapement Projection: 3 days Late 1,753,363 Historic (2011-2019) Average 1,163,843 Lower SEG 500,000 Upper SEG 140,000 Column Cumulative Escapement Red dott...
4100 sym
2020 salmon ASL
This is an Rmarkdown document demonstrating how to find and flag weight outliers in a salmon ASL dataset and flag them for further review. 1 I’m going to try and provide a fairly comprehensive commentary in this document explaining what I am doing in plain English as I am doing it. Let’s get started by loading the packages that we will use fo...
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