Publications by Greg Buck

age composition


Age Data Tracker(updated 7/24/20) Ugashik column Ugashik column Historic and Forecast Egegik column Egegik column Historic and Forecast Naknek-Kvichak column Naknek-Kvichak column Historic and Forecast Nushagak column Nushagak column Historic and Forecast Togiak column Togiak column Historic and Forecast ...

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2020 fall workflow



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Togiak herring ASL


library(plotly) library(tidyverse) library(knitr) library(kableExtra) library(ggformula) setwd("~/2020 Herring") dat <- read.csv("combined.samples.csv") tmp <- subset(dat,age<28) tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(Catch.Date = as.Date(Catch.Date)) In 2020 there were no gillneters participating in the fishery and only one processor (Icicle) partici...

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Togiak River How Current Goal Was Established: A BEG of 120,000–270,000 was established in 2007 based on spawner-recruit analysis. The goal was then updated to an SEG in 2010. The current goal is based on spawner-recruit models used to analyze spawner-recruit data from all available brood years. Escapements counts are from a long-established co...

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2020 RS BBay analysis


knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) #=========================================================================== # 1.0 Set Modeling Environment #=========================================================================== # Clear data rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) # load packages #--------------------------------------------...

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BBAY RS analysis


Togiak River How Current Goal Was Established: A BEG of 120,000–270,000 was established in 2007 based on spawner-recruit analysis. The goal was then updated to an SEG in 2010. The current goal is based on spawner-recruit models used to analyze spawner-recruit data from all available brood years. Escapements counts are from a long-established co...

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Overview Six models are used to forecast each major age class of sockeye salmon in the major rivers of Bristol Bay. Five of these models are linear regressions and the sixth is a 5-year running average of the age class under consideration. Forecast models This document covers output from five linnear regression models run against four major age ...

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Overview Six models are used to forecast each major age class of sockeye salmon in the major rivers of Bristol Bay. Five of these models are linear regressions and the sixth is a 5-year running average of the age class under consideration. Forecast models This document covers output from five linnear regression models run against four major age ...

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Overview Six models are used to forecast each major age class of sockeye salmon in the major rivers of Bristol Bay. Five of these models are linear regressions and the sixth is a 5-year running average of the age class under consideration. Forecast models This document covers output from five linnear regression models run against four major age ...

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Overview Six models are used to forecast each major age class of sockeye salmon in the major rivers of Bristol Bay. Five of these models are linear regressions and the sixth is a 5-year running average of the age class under consideration. Forecast models This document covers output from five linnear regression models run against four major age ...

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