Publications by Greg Buck
Overview Six models are used to forecast each major age class of sockeye salmon in the major rivers of Bristol Bay. Five of these models are linear regressions and the sixth is a 5-year running average of the age class under consideration. Forecast models This document covers output from five linnear regression models run against four major age ...
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Overview Six models are used to forecast each major age class of sockeye salmon in the major rivers of Bristol Bay. Five of these models are linear regressions and the sixth is a 5-year running average of the age class under consideration. Forecast models This document covers output from five linnear regression models run against four major age ...
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Overview Six models are used to forecast each major age class of sockeye salmon in the major rivers of Bristol Bay. Five of these models are linear regressions and the sixth is a 5-year running average of the age class under consideration. Forecast models This document covers output from five linnear regression models run against four major age ...
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Overview Six models are used to forecast each major age class of sockeye salmon in the major rivers of Bristol Bay. Five of these models are linear regressions and the sixth is a 5-year running average of the age class under consideration. Forecast models This document covers output from five linnear regression models run against four major age ...
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Overview Six models are used to forecast each major age class of sockeye salmon in the major rivers of Bristol Bay. Five of these models are linear regressions and the sixth is a 5-year running average of the age class under consideration. Forecast models This document covers output from five linnear regression models run against four major age ...
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Overview Six models are used to forecast each major age class of sockeye salmon in the major rivers of Bristol Bay. Five of these models are linear regressions and the sixth is a 5-year running average of the age class under consideration. Forecast models This document covers output from five linnear regression models run against four major age ...
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This dashboard is designed to search given hashtags on Twitter and create a word cloud of the texts on those hashtags. I’ve chosen hashtags related to salmon, commercial fishing and Alaska. This app was created to use the Twitter API. #wildsalmon ## [1] "Using direct authentication" #commercialfishing ## [1] "Using direct authentication" ...
280 sym R (72 sym/2 pcs)
googlesheets testbed
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...
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Nushagak chum projection
Summary As of 20 July 2021 the Nushagak chum escapement is 123,455 As of 20 July 2021 the R-square for an on time escapement is 1 (Fig. 1). The lower SEG for Nushagak chum escapement is 200,000. Projections The current projection for one day late is 134,123.3 chum. The current projection for an on time run is 133,064 chum. The current projection...
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Nushagak Chinook projection
Summary As of 20 July 2021 the Nushagak Chinook escapement is 53,914 As of 20 July 2021 the R-square for an on time escapement is 0.99 (Fig. 1). The lower SEG for Nushagak CHinook escapement is 55,000. Projections The current projection for one day late is 56,486.25 Chinook. The current projection for an on time run is 55,816.2 Chinook. The curr...
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