Publications by Economics and R - R posts
Usage shares of programming languages in economics research
My shiny app Finding Economics Articles with Data contains meanwhile over 8000 economic articles with replication packages. You can use it here: Some of the data on articles and file types in the reproduction packages can be downloaded as a zipped SQLite database from my server (see the “About” page in the...
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Finding Economic Articles with Data: Boosting the App with GPT-3 Embeddings
If you seek empirical economic studies that can be replicated, try my Shiny-based search app: The last couple of days, I was quite excited to explore the fantastic OpenAI API. First, I wrote mygpt, a package for customizable Chat-GPT addins in RStudio. Then I used using OpenAI’s text embeddings to improve my...
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Finding Economic Articles with Data und Stata Reproductions
If you’re looking for reproducible empirical economic studies, check out my Shiny-powered search app at (Recently the server was sometimes off-line, but most of the time you can use it.) Most empirical analyses in economics are performed with Stata, but it is a great exercise for students to replicate part...
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RTutor: Public Infrastructure Spending and Voting Behaviour
While I am no expert in political economy, it seems intuitive that voters are happy if their representatives manage to provide federal money for local investment projects. But how large is the effect in terms of additional votes in future elections? In his great article Stimulating the Vote: ARRA Road Spending and Vote Share (AEJ Policy, 2019) Em...
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RTutor: Political Incentives and River Pollution in China
River pollution in China tended to substantially increase at the border of an upstream province, which means the harm was mainly born by the neighboring downstream province. A classic case of negative externalities. As a measure to reduce this problem, the central Chinese government changed the promotional incentives of province leaders in a way ...
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Exploding German Electricity Prices: Some Time Series
German wholesale electricity prices in August 2022 are extremely high with an average of 397 Euro / MWh (EPEX day ahead prices until 19th of August). That is more than 10 fold the average prices in 2019 (38.3 Euro / MWh) and 2020 (31 Euro / MWh). There are several reasons. The NY times summarizes here: The dry summer has reduced hydropower in No...
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A proposal for capping exploding electricity spot market prices without subsidies or supply reduction
At the EEX, German baseload electricity futures for the year 2023 trade at a price of 950 Euro / MWh and peak load futures at 1275 Euro / MWh. Future prices for France are even higher. (Prices were looked up on 2022-08-28). In contrast, average German spot market prices 2015 to 2021 were below 50 Euro / MWh. That market participants seem to expec...
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Natural Gas Prices for main Hubs in Europe, Asia, and US
Are spot market natural gas prices in Europe mainly determined by the available world-wide LNG supply or does a bottleneck in the number of usable European LNG terminals increase prices to even substantially higher levels? To get some insight into this question, I added to the European data from my previous post also natural gas prices from Japan...
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Electricity markets: Can the EU deal with forward hedging when taxing infra-marginal profits?
In a leaked first draft the EU proposes in its own words a Price cap for inframarginal technologies for the benefit of consumers Sounds similar to my recent proposal. A difference to my main proposal is that the EU does not want to reduce the spot market prices, but suggests that governments rather collect the difference between a technology’...
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How strongly does German electricity demand react to high prices?
The discussion on how to deal with exploding European electricity prices takes on steam. Recent ideas of the EU and similar proposals by the German government do not directly attempt to reduce electricity wholesale prices. The goal is to collect infra-marginal rents in another way and redistribute the money to energy users by different channels t...
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