Publications by Economics and R - R posts

Finding Economic Articles with Data: Now with URL Parameters


If you want to find reproducible empirical economic studies that are about some specific topic or that use some specific method, you can take a look at my shiny-powered app “Find Economic Articles with Data”: I just included a small new feature: one can specify search terms as an URL parameter. For examp...

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Mozart’s Emotions and Creativity: Statistical Analysis of Composers’ Letters and Output.


How did changes in life and emotional states affect the creativity and output of the great composers Mozart, Beethoven and Liszt? (Yeah, 3 composers are studied but Mozart seems to sell best, so he is in the title.) In his great article How Are You, My Dearest Mozart? Well-Being and Creativity of Three Famous Composers Based on Their Letters (ReS...

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shinyEvents: build shiny apps with event handlers


RStudio's shiny is a great framework to generate web applications with R. In a classical shiny app, interactivity is not generated via event handlers but by reactive programming. For details, see the shiny documentation and tutorials under While shiny's reactive programming model is great for smaller apps, I personally ...

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Debugging with restore points instead of break points


break points and restore points The standard method to debug an R function is to set break points via the browser function. When during execution of the function, browser() is called, the R console immediately changes into an interactive debugging mode that allows to step through the code and enter any R expressions. Thanks to RStudio's visual de...

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RTutor Kicks Off: An Interactive R Problem Set about Top Income Taxation


RTutor is a new R package that allows to develop interactive R exercises. Problem sets can be solved off-line or can be hosted online via shiny server. Try out an Interactive Problem Set about Optimal Taxation of Top Labor Incomes Jonas Send has written a very nice interactive R problem set that allows you to explore the key insights of the artic...

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RTutor: Credit Booms Gone Bust


RTutor: Credit Booms Gone Bust 2015-07-09 12:00:00 Currently, quite a few students here at Ulm University create RTutor problem sets based on economic articles as part of their Bachelor or Master thesis. RTutor is an R package that allows to develop interactive R problem sets, that can be solved in a browser based or markdown based environment....

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RTutor: How Soap Operas Reduced Fertility in Brazil


What is the real world impact of tv series? Did Brazilian women get fewer children because they watched soap operas that portray happy, rich families that have few children? Clara Ulmer has written a very nice RTutor problem set that allows you interactively explore this question in R. It is based on the paper Soap Operas and Fertility: Evidence...

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RTutor: Public Procurement Auctions: Design, Outcomes and Adaption Costs


As an economist, I consider public procurement of construction projects a very interesting topic. While several firms may initially bid for a project and propose prices, the news in Germany are regulary filled with construction projects whose costs went far beyond those that were initially agreed upon. For example, Wikipedia states that when the ...

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RTutor: Technological Progress and Fuel Economy of Cars


Christopher Knittel estimates in his article Automobiles on Steroids: Product Attribute Trade-Offs and Technological Progress in the Automobile Sector (American Economic Review, 2011) the technological progress that has occurred since 1980 in the automobile industry and the trade-offs faced when choosing between fuel economy, weight, and engine p...

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RTutor: Free Trade Agreements


There is quite some sceptisim towards TTIP, the currently negotiated free trade agreement between Europe and the USA. Even in an exporting nation like Germany, there are substantial worries about reduction in consumer protection standards, or fear of limits to democracy if cooperations can sue states in international settlement courts. On the oth...

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