Publications by Economics and R - R posts
RTutor: Gasoline Taxes and Consumer Behavior
How do consumers react to an increase in gasoline taxes? How much will they drive less? Will they buy more fuel efficient cars? Do tax increases have a stronger impact than gasoline price increases from other sources, like higher oil prices? In their very interesting article Gasoline Taxes and Consumer Behavior (AEJ Policy, 2014) Shanjun Li, Josh...
1788 sym 2 img
Riddle: Estimate effect of x on y if you only have two noisy measures of x.
Consider the following data generating process: set.seed(1) n = 100000 x = rnorm(n) eta1 = rnorm(n) # measurement error1 noisy1 = x + eta1 eta2 = rnorm(n) # measurement error2 noisy2 = x + eta2 u = rnorm(n) beta0=0; beta1 = 1 y = beta0+beta1*x + u Can you solve the following statistics riddle? We want to consistently estimate the causal effec...
3375 sym R (949 sym/6 pcs)