Publications by CHIU, Ming-Tzu

Programming: In-Class Exercise


In-Class Exercise 2 Use the read and math variables from the high schools data example for this problem. First firgure out what this R script does and then eliminate the for loop in the code segment. dta <- read.table("C:/Users/TheorEco Lab/Desktop/108-2/DataManagement/0511/hs0.txt", header=TRUE) str(dta) ## 'data.frame': 200 obs. of 11 vari...

2137 sym R (6520 sym/36 pcs) 13 img

Grammar of Graphics: Homework


Homework 1 Fifty male and fifty female students fill out the same questionnaire in weekly intervals starting five weeks before an important examination to measure state anxiety. The research interests are: whether there are gender difference in state anxiety individual differences in state anxiety Explore the answers to both questions with plot...

3681 sym R (16638 sym/61 pcs) 17 img 6 tbl

Trellis Graphics: Homework


Homework 1 Use trellis graphics to explore various ways to display the sample data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. 讀取資料 The data are drawn from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). The sample observations are from the 1986, 1988, 1990, and 1992 assessment periods. Children were selected to be in kindergarten,...

4845 sym R (12662 sym/43 pcs) 21 img

Trellis Graphics: In-Class Exercise 2-4


Exercise 2 Create a new student-teacher ratio variable from the enrltot and teachers variables in the data set Caschool{Ecdat} to generate the following plot in which reading scores (readscr) for grade span assignment grspan equals “KK-08” in the data set are split into three levels: lower-third, middle-third, and upper-third: 讀取資料 d...

3100 sym R (7790 sym/31 pcs) 7 img

Data wrangling: Homework 6


Data wrangling: Homework 6 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-04-12 The HELP (Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care) study was a clinical trial for adult inpatients recruited from a detoxification unit. Patients with no primary care physician were randomized to receive a multidisciplinary assessme...

1936 sym R (10389 sym/25 pcs)

Data wrangling: Homework 1


Data wrangling: Homework 1 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-04-11 Select at random one school per county in the data set Caschool{Ecdat} and draw a scatter diagram of average math score mathscr against average reading score readscr for the sampled data set. Make sure your results are reproducible (e.g.,...

444 sym R (2717 sym/5 pcs) 1 img

Data wrangling: In-Class Exercise 6


Data wrangling: In-Class Exercise 6 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-04-11 Convert the data set probe words from long to wide format as described. data set: Dr. Paul Ammon at the University of California at Berkeley studied whether a person’s immediate memory of a sentence is organized according to t...

1251 sym R (2176 sym/3 pcs)

Data wrangling: In-Class Exercise 5


Data wrangling: In-Class Exercise 5 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-04-11 The ‘MASS’ library has these two data sets: ‘Animals’ and ‘mammals’. Merge the two files and remove duplicated observations using ‘duplicated’. 讀取資料 library(MASS) str(Animals) #> 'data.frame': 28 obs...

317 sym R (4488 sym/5 pcs)

Data wrangling: In-Class Exercise 4


Data wrangling: In-Class Exercise 4 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-04-13 The data set Vocab{car} gives observations on gender, education and vocabulary, from respondents to U.S. General Social Surveys, 1972-2004. Summarize the relationship between education and vocabulary over the years by gender. �...

419 sym R (790 sym/3 pcs) 1 img

Data wrangling: In-Class Exercise 3


Data wrangling: In-Class Exercise 3 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-04-13 Supply comments to each code chunk in the following survey rmarkdown file and preview it as an R notebook or knit to html. The data set concerns species and weight of animals caught in plots in a study area in Arizona over time....

3021 sym R (13658 sym/32 pcs)