Publications by CHIU, Ming-Tzu
Data wrangling: In-Class Exercise 1
Data wrangling: In-Class Exercise 1 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-04-11 讀取資料 library("HSAUR3") #> Loading required package: tools dta <- backpain head(dta) #> ID status driver suburban #> 1 1 case yes yes #> 2 1 control yes no #> 3 2 case yes yes ...
486 sym R (19180 sym/7 pcs) 1 tbl
R fundamentals: In-class Exercise 4-6
R fundamentals: In-class Exercise 4-6 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-03-29 Exercise 4 Regarding UCBAdmissions{datasets} data object, what does the output UCBAdmissions[,1,] UCBAdmissions[,1,1] UCBAdmissions[1,1,] of each of the above R statements mean, respectively? datasets::UCBAdmissions #> , ...
3089 sym R (3594 sym/7 pcs)
R fundamentals: In-class Exercise 3
R fundamentals: In-class Exercise 3 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-03-29 Use help to examine the coding scheme for the mother’s race variable in the birthwt{MASS} dataset. The MASS comes with the base R installation but is not automatically loaded when R is invoked. How many black mothers are there...
1352 sym R (13315 sym/6 pcs)
R fundamentals: In-class Exercise 2
R fundamentals: In-class Exercise 2 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-03-29 The notation, women{datasets}, indicates that a data object by the name women is in the datasets package. This package is preloaded when R is invoked. Explain the difference between c(women) and c(as.matrix(women)) using the wome...
565 sym R (844 sym/3 pcs)
R fundamentals: In-class Exercise 1
R fundamentals: In-class Exercise 1 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-03-29 The math attainment page has a dataset and a script of R code chunks. Generate a markdown file from the script to push the output in HTML for posting to course Moodle site. first R session using math attainment data set input d...
1021 sym R (3282 sym/19 pcs) 7 img
Data wrangling: In-Class Exercise 2
Data wrangling: In-Class Exercise 2 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-04-12 Merge the two data sets: state.x77{datasets} and USArrests{datasets} and compute all pair-wise correlations for numerical variables. Is there anything interesting to report? 看看資料長什麼樣子 library(datasets) head(st...
1260 sym R (4118 sym/4 pcs) 1 img
Data wrangling: Homework 3
Data wrangling: Homework 3 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-04-13 Use the Prestige{car} data set for this problem. Find the median prestige score for each of the three types of occupation, respectively. Use the median score in each type of occupation to define two levels of prestige: High and low, for ...
893 sym R (3073 sym/10 pcs) 3 img
Data wrangling: Homework 4
Data wrangling: Homework 4 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-04-12 Reverse the order of input to the series of dplyr::*_join examples using data from the Nobel laureates in literature and explain the resulting output. 讀取資料 dta1 <- read.table("C:/Users/TheorEco Lab/Desktop/108-2/DataManagement/03...
514 sym R (2244 sym/7 pcs)
Data wrangling: Homework 2
Data wrangling: Homework 2 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-04-12 Find 133 class-level 95%-confidence intervals for language test score means of the nlschools{MASS} data set by using the tidy approach. library(tidyverse) #> -- Attaching packages ------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3...
285 sym R (2358 sym/4 pcs)
Data wrangling: Homework 5
Data wrangling: Homework 5 2020-Spring [Data Management] Instructor: SHEU, Ching-Fan CHIU, Ming-Tzu 2020-04-12 Augment the data object in the ‘SAT’ lecture note with state.division{datasets}. For each of the 9 divisions, find the slope estimate for regressing average SAT scores onto average teacher’s salary. How many of them are of negative ...
618 sym R (2257 sym/5 pcs) 1 img