Publications by CHIU, Ming-Tzu

Grammar of Graphics: In-Class Exercise


Exercise 1 Find out what each code chunk (indicated by ‘##’) in the R script does and provide comments. 使用 woman 資料繪圖,先不要繪製任何圖,將第一列資料以點畫上 plot(women, type='n') points(women[1,]) 第一筆資料為 (58, 115) ,在圖上位置正確。 women[1,] ## height weight ## 1 58 115 使�...

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Final Project


class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 博士工廠的產品汰率 ## 探討理學博士就學與就業情形 ### 邱銘姿(生命所)、邱奕升(教育所) ### 108-2 資料管理 ### 2020/6/15 --- background-image: url( background-size: 700px back...

14422 sym

Analysis of Variance: Homework [2020 Fall]


1 Homework 1 Perform an analysis of the anorexia data example following the paired or independent samples example in the course note. You can start with this R script . pacman::p_load("tidyverse") 讀取資料 # install.packages("PairedData") library(PairedData) data(Anorexia, package="PairedData") str(Anorexia) 'data.frame': 17 obs. of 2 vari...

1201 sym R (15773 sym/83 pcs) 8 img

Regression: Exercise [ 2020 Fall ]


1 Exercise 1 Complete the regression analysis of the blood pressure data from the Framingham Heart Study in the R script . In there a gender difference in regression slopes? 1.1 file location fL<-"" dta1 <- read.table(fL, header=T) 1.2 recode gender variable dta1$sex <- factor(dta1$sex, ...

2157 sym R (13282 sym/63 pcs) 16 img

R for Multilevel Analysis: Homework [ 2020 Fall ]


1 HW 1 Draw a scatter plot of the variables written and course scores from the data set Gcsemv{mlmRev} and superimpose another scatter plot on it using mean written and mean course scores by school as in the language and math example. You can start by editing in RStudio either the gcsemv rmarkdown or the exam rmarkdown file. 1.1 Data management ...

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R for Multilevel Analysis: Exercise 5 [2020 Fall ]


Data management In this section, we load the exam scores data set, activate the help page for it, and examine the first 6 lines of the data frame object. # install a contributed package install.packages("mlmRev") # load the package to working directory library(mlmRev) # load the data from the package data(Exam, package="mlmRev") # invoke help ...

769 sym R (1452 sym/12 pcs) 1 img

R for Multilevel Analysis: Exercise [ 2020 Fall ]


1 Exercise 3 Reproduce the results in homework example using the rmarkdown file and publish it with a web link on the course moodle page. 1.1 Introduction Kreft and de Leeuw (1998) obtained a sub-sample of students in eighth grade from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS–88) collected by the National Center for Educational ...

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Regression: Homework [ 2020 Fall ]


1 Homework 1 Edit the R script with your own comments to explain what each code chunk does and then compile a report of the script in html for publication to moodle. 1.1 Weighted regression example of regression with sampling weights set some options options(digits=3, show.signif.stars=FALSE) packagage management # install.packages(pacman) load ...

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Analysis of Variance: Exercise [ 2020 Fall ]


1 Exercise 1 Assess how similar family members are in their ratings of liberalism in the family example using the intraclass correlation. pacman::p_load(tidyverse, lme4) data input and check dta1 <- read.table("~/data/family.txt", header = T) str(dta1) 'data.frame': 12 obs. of 2 variables: $ family : int 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 ... $ liber...

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Multilevel models: Exercise & Homework [ 2020 Fall ]


1 Exercise 1 Replicate the results of analysis reported the high school and beyond - null 2 3 4 examples. 1.1 high school and beyond - null pacman::p_load(mlmRev, tidyverse, lme4) 讀取資料 data(Hsb82, "mlmRev") str(Hsb82) 'data.frame': 7185 obs. of 8 variables: $ school : Ord.factor w/ 160 levels "8367"<"8854"<..: 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 5...

2161 sym R (41282 sym/126 pcs) 18 img