Publications by Samira Akari

Practical Machine Learning Week 4 Project


This is the week 4 project of the Practical Machine Learning MOOC on Coursera. It is about predicting the type of weight-lifting exercise (coded by variable classs, with values “A” to “E”). A training dataset (with column classe) and a test dataset (without it) were provided as csv files. More information on the weight-lifting experiment ...

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17.02.2020 1 INDRODUCTION Myocardial deformation imaging using two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (STE) has become a very useful technique for the assessment of left ventricular (LV) function after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). However, it has been showed that changes in afterload could alter strain calcu...

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Marcel Narita

28.02.2020 1 Partea generală 2 Partea specială 2.1 Introducere 2.1.1 Obiective 2.2 Material și metode 2.2.1 Analiza statistică a datelor Pentru variabilele calitative, am folosit pie-uri sau bar-chart-uri și am calculat frecvențele absolute și relative ale categoriilor formate. Pentru a descrie relaț...

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Alexandra Oancea

26.04.2020 1 Partea generală 2 Partea specială 2.1 Introducere 2.1.1 Obiective 2.2 Material și metode 2.2.1 Analiza statistică a datelor Pentru variabilele calitative, am folosit pie-uri sau bar-chart-uri și am calculat frecvențele absolute și relative ale categoriilor formate. Pentru a descrie relațiile d...

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Roman Bischoff

27.04.2020 1 General part 2 Special part 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Objectives 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Statisitcal analysis of the data To describe the quantitative variables, we used histograms and we calculated the arithmetic means ±standard deviation (SD) [with 95% confidence interval (CI)], as well as the extreme and m...

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Roman Bischoff

01.05.2020 1 General part 2 Special part 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Objectives 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Statisitcal analysis of the data To describe the quantitative variables, we used histograms and we calculated the arithmetic means ±standard deviation (SD) [with 95% confidence interval (CI)], as well as the extreme and m...

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Ana V


1 Partea generală 2 Partea specială 2.1 Introducere 2.1.1 Obiective 2.2 Material și metode 2.2.1 Analiza statistică a datelor Pentru variabilele calitative, am folosit pie-uri sau bar-chart-uri și am calculat frecvențele absolute și relative ale categoriilor formate. Pentru a descrie relațiile dintre variabilele calitative am folosit...

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Diana Gurzau

22.05.2020 0.1 Methods 0.1.1 Statisitcal analysis of the data To describe the quantitative variables, we used histograms and we calculated the arithmetic means ±standard deviation (SD) [with 95% confidence interval (CI)], as well as the extreme and median values. For the qualitative variables, we used pie or bar charts and...

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Publish Document


1 Methods 2 Results 2.1 General description of all variables, by Group 2.2 Summary statistics of all variables, by Group 2.3 Pairwise statistics of all variables, by Group 2.3.1 Heart: Hepcidin (ng/mg prot.) 2.3.2 Heart: IL 6 (pg/mg prot) 2.3.3 Heart: CRP (pg/mg prot.) 2.3.4 Heart: Iron (ug/mg prot) 2.3.5 Serum: Hepcidin (ng/ml) 2.3.6 S...

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1 Methods 2 Results 2.1 Univariate analysis of selected variables by Year (2021 vs 2020) Table 1: Univariate analysis of some variables by year (2021 vs 2020, full descriptive table). 2.2 Univariate analysis of selected variables by COVID death Table 2: Univariate analysis of some variables by COVID death (full descriptive table). Table 3: Un...

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