Publications by Samira Akari

Elisabeta Chera

11.04.2020 1 Abstract Oxidative stress and inflammation are interlinked processes that seem to play an important role in aging. The present work aimed to test the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of ethanolic Mahonia aquifolium leaves and bark extracts in an experimental acute inflammation. Six polyphenols a...

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Covid-19 infection in Romania (Apr 3)


library(tidyverse) options(scipen = 999) options(digits = 3) library(knitr) library(stringr) # loading some files from my own library base_path = "~/Dropbox/Stats/" source(paste0(base_path, 'R library/mytheme.R'), echo=F) source(paste0(base_path, 'R library/assorted bits.R'), echo=F) # source(paste0(base_path, 'R library/custom_charts.R'), echo=...

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Raluca T


ANOVA results Predictor df_num df_den Epsilon F p ges Method 1.98 196.02 0.99 11.66 .000 .01 Note. df_num indicates degrees of freedom numerator. df_den indicates degrees of freedom denominator. Epsilon indicates Greenhouse-Geisser multiplier for degrees of freedom, p-values and degrees of freedom in the table incorporate this correction. ges ind...

4125 sym R (48 sym/3 pcs) 180 img 26 tbl

Teodora M


Table 1. Both groups were demographically consistent (53.8% men / 46.2% women, p=0.847; averge age: 56.98 ±15.9, p=0.794). The average BMI was significantly higher among cases (30.57 ±5.99 vs. 28.10 ±5.31, p=0.037). In both groups, about one third were had BMI values <25 kg/m², but 55.2% and 33.4%, respectively, had BMI values >30 kg/m². Am...

1323 sym 3 tbl

Adrian Keller

24.03.2020 1 General part 2 Special part 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Objectives 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Statisitcal analysis of the data To describe the quantitative variables, we used histograms and we calculated the arithmetic means ±standard deviation (SD) [with 95% confidence interval (CI)], as well as the extreme and m...

4685 sym 8 img 9 tbl

Covid-19 infection in Romania (Mar 21)


library(tidyverse) options(scipen = 999) options(digits = 3) library(knitr) library(stringr) # loading some files from my own library base_path = "~/Dropbox/Stats/" # source(paste0(base_path, 'R library/search_for_variable.R'), echo=F) # source(paste0(base_path, 'R library/mySSby.R'), echo=F) # source(paste0(base_path, 'R library/mySSby3.R'), ec...

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Data Science Capstone - Week 2 - Milestone Report


The goal of this project is just to display that you’ve gotten used to working with the data and that you are on track to create your prediction algorithm. Please submit a report on R Pubs ( that explains your exploratory analysis and your goals for the eventual app and algorithm. This document should be concise and explain on...

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Ioana Cizmas

11.03.2020 1 Partea generală 2 Partea specială 2.1 Introducere 2.1.1 Obiective 2.2 Material și metode 2.2.1 Analiza statistică a datelor Pentru variabilele calitative, am folosit pie-uri sau bar-chart-uri și am calculat frecvențele absolute și relative ale categoriilor formate. Pentru a descrie relațiile dintre ...

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Ana F

10.03.2020 1 Partea generală 2 Partea specială 2.1 Introducere 2.1.1 Obiective 2.2 Material și metode 2.2.1 Analiza statistică a datelor Pentru variabilele calitative, am folosit pie-uri sau bar-chart-uri și am calculat frecvențele absolute și relative ale categoriilor formate. Pentru a descrie relațiile dintre ...

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Stavroula Katsafadou 2


1 General part 2 Special part 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Objectives 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Statistical analysis of the data To describe the quantitative variables, we used histograms and we calculated the arithmetic means ±standard deviation (SD) [with 95% confidence interval (CI)], as well as the extreme and me...

26019 sym 83 img 80 tbl