Publications by Samira Akari
Regina Be 1 General part 2 Special part 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Objectives 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Statisitcal analysis of the data To describe the quantitative variables, we used histograms and we calculated the arithmetic means ±standard deviation (SD) [with 95% confidence interval (CI)], as well as...
4541 sym 42 img 6 tbl
Geyser data analysis
2/6/2020 Summary This is a reproducible presentation, part of the Week 4 of the Developing Data Products MOOC on Coursera. Based on the the geyser dataset in the package MASS. Study of waiting time between consecutive eruptions of a geyser by duration of the previous eruption. Data description Scatter I plotted the waiting time between conse...
940 sym 4 img
Intro This is the asignement for Week 3 of the “Developing Data Products” MOOC on Coursera. It is about making a web page using R Markdown that features a chart created with Plotly Date Today is Feb 6, 2020 Plotly Here is a boxplot of mpg (miles / gallon) by cyl (number of engine cylinders) from the dataset mtcars. ...
331 sym
Leaflet 1
This is the asignement for Week 2 of the “Developing Data Products” MOOC on Coursera. It is about making a web page using R Markdown that features a map created with Leaflet. Today is Feb 7, 2020 Here are the addresses of several flu cases (With about 2 km of random jitter, obviusly) that were reported last week by a doctor in a hospital near...
560 sym
old: new: 1 Background HB vaccination in Romania was implemented through the National Immunization Program (NIP) in 1995 in newborn...
20895 sym 20 img 10 tbl
Stavroula Katsafadou
1 General part 2 Special part 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Objectives 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Statisitcal analysis of the data Pentru descrierea variabilelor cantitative am folosit histograme și am calculat mediile aritmetice ± deviația standard (DS) [cu intervalul de încredere (IC) 95%], precum și valorile extreme și mediane. Pentru variabilele c...
6221 sym 78 img 22 tbl
Vlad Bogza
1 Partea generală 2 Partea specială 2.1 Introducere 2.1.1 Obiective 2.2 Material și metode 2.2.1 Analiza statistică a datelor Pentru descrierea variabilelor cantitative am folosit histograme și am calculat mediile aritmetice ± deviația standard (DS) [cu intervalul de încredere (IC) 95%], precum �...
7372 sym 50 img 37 tbl
Dr szabo2
1 Methods 1.1 Abbreviations DM: diabetes mellitus BMI: body-mass index (kg/m²) TNF-alpha: Tumor necrosis factor alpha HbA1C: glycosilated hemoglobin HDL cholesterol: A1AT: Alpha-1 antitrypsin MW: Mann-Whitney test 95% CI: 95% confidence interval OR: odds-ratio SD: standard deviation SE: stadard error 1.2 Study design We performed a retrospect...
8629 sym 5 img 16 tbl
Part 1: Simulation Exercise
Overview From the instructions: In this project you will investigate the exponential distribution in R and compare it with the Central Limit Theorem. The exponential distribution can be simulated in R with rexp(n, lambda) where lambda is the rate parameter. The mean of exponential distribution is 1/lambda and the standard deviation is also 1/lam...
2487 sym R (3971 sym/13 pcs) 3 img
mtcars regression models
Summary The purpose of this analysis is to find if fuel efficiency (miles / gallorn) is affected by transmission type (automatic vs. manual) and, if yes, by how much. The R dataset, ‘mtcars’ contains data from 32 cars (each row has 10 columns). I found that a manual transmission significantly increased fuel efficiency by approximatibely 7.24...
8239 sym R (21337 sym/54 pcs) 19 img 2 tbl