Publications by Wingfeet

Cefamandole: PK after IV with six subjects in JAGS


After last week’s post on Theoph I noticed the MEMSS library contained more PK data sets. The Cefamandole data is an IV data set with six subjects. It is somewhat challenging, since there seem to be several elimination rates.DataData are displayed below. Notice that the lines seem somewhat curved, there is clearly more going on tha...

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PK analysis: Theoph again


This week I wanted to repeat the Theoph PK analysis of two weeks ago in Stan. It also suddenly dawned on me. For a non-linear model in classical statistics we think it normal to provide good initializations. In contrast, for those MCMC samples I remember reading to start with highly dispersed initial values. So, for non-linear models ...

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Unemployment of Europe in 2014 by NUTS 2 region


During the Christmas break I worked on some code to show unemployment by NUTS 2 region. At that point no 2014 data was available. When I noticed the 214 was available I dug up the code and plotted again.Data and CodeAs written, the code was made beginning this year. At that point it seemed Eurostat’s directories had all moved and he...

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Should I use premium Diesel? Result: No


A while ago I had a post: ‘Should I use premium Diesel? Setup. Since that time the data has been acquired. This post describes the results.DataData is registered by me in 2014 and 2015. 2014 has standard Diesel, while 2015 has premium. Both are from the same months of the year, so should have approximately the same weather and traf...

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U-boats in WW-II


This is the time when we celebrate the end of the second world war in The Netherlands, so I thought to do somwthig with data from that era. One of the things I enjoyed were books on the sea warfare, such as ‘The Cruel Sea’by Nicholas Monsarrat. In that book it was told that in 1943 the tide turned, and hence I started to look for ...

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The paper helicopter experiment


The paper helicopter is one of the devices to explain about design of experiments. The aim is to create the longest flying paper helicopter by means of experimental design.Paper helicopters are a nice example, because they are cheap to make, easy to test landing time and sufficient variables to make it non obvious.Rather than make and...

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Paper Helicopter experiment, part II


Last week I created a JAGS model combining data from two paper helicopter datasets. This week, I will use the model to find the longest flying one.PredictingThe JAGS/RJAGS system has no predict() function that I know of. What I therefore did is adapt the model so during estimation of the parameters the predictions were made. Using this adapted mo...

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Paper Helicopter Experiment, part III


As final part of my paper helicopter experiment analysis (part I, part II) I do a reanalysis for one more data set. In 2002 Erik Erhardt and Hantao Mai did an extensive experiment, see The Search for the Optimal Paper Helicopter. They did a number of steps, including variable screening, steepest ascend and confirmatory experiment. For...

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European debt and interest


I was told the Eurostat package would be interesting for me.  This is indeed true and now I want to use it to plot some data which are related core of some of the European policies; debt.In these plots I only show individual countries, not aggregated over the EU or Euro zone. In addition Norway is dropped, because it had less data, i...

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Parallel and a new laptop


I am thinking about a new laptop. For one thing a 1366*768 resolution just seems to get impractically small. Secondly, faster comutations, more memory.Regarding CPU speed, my current laptop has a lowly Celeron 877. From what I see at my computers activity, under R it is mostly one core which does the work. Which means that even though...

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