Publications by Wingfeet
Beginning 2013 I made a post plotting unemployment in Europe. Last year I did the same. Now that the unemployment numbers of December are on Eurostat, I am making them again. The plots shown are unemployment and its first derivative, both smoothed.You can discuss these data extensively. Eurostat has a page for those who are interested...
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Hierarchical log odds model example
I am working through Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation (David J. Spiegelhalter, Keith R. Abrams, Jonathan P. Myles) (referred to as BACTHCE from here on). In chapter three I saw an example (3.13) where I wanted to do the calculations myself. The example concerns a hierarchical model of death rates whic...
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Trial until first succes
Studying on in Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation (David J. Spiegelhalter, Keith R. Abrams, Jonathan P. Myles) they state that if you have one success in a trial, that a design is needed to know what that means. For example with six trials and one success, Were there six trials and one success, or were t...
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Priors on odds and probability of success
In Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation (David J. Spiegelhalter, Keith R. Abrams, Jonathan P. Myles) they mention that an non informative prior should be uniform over the range of interest. They combine this with the desire that Odds ratio has the same prior as 1/Odds ratio and from this they conclude log...
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Should I use premium Diesel? Setup
Since I drive quite a lot, I have some interest in getting the most km out every Euro spent on fuel. One thing to change is the fuel. The oil companies have a premium fuel, which is supposed to be better for both engine and fuel consumption. On the other hand, it is easy to find counter claims which say it is not beneficial for fuel c...
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SAS PROC MCMC example in R: Nonlinear Poisson Regression Multilevel Random-Effects Model
I am slowly working my way through the PROC MCMCexamples. Regarding these data, the SAS manual says: ‘This example uses the pump failure data of Gaver and O’Muircheartaigh (1987) to illustrate how to fit a multilevel random-effects model with PROC MCMC. The number of failures and the time of operation are recorded...
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Medicines under evaluation
While browsing through the internet I ran into the medicines under evaluation page of the European Medicines Agency. There was a .pdf for each month and I thought it would be interesting to look if I could analyze those data. Each .pdf contains various sections of medicine, I have been focusing on the ‘Non-orphan medicinal products�...
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Launch into space
I saw a link to a list with all rocket launches into space the other day. This post contains some plots concerning day of launch made from that.DataData is a fixed format file with eleven columns. Reading fixed format is not very difficult, however, it requires a bit of preparation. In this case, the first row contains a description o...
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Space Launch Sites over Time
Continuing from last weeks post, I am now looking at space launch sites.DataData are from the main table. In addition, this sites table was manually browsed for interpretation of abbreviations.List of most important sitesJust by running counts the most important locations (more that 100 counts) are visible. As can be seen, each site h...
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Hierarchical Two Compartimental PK Model
In this post I am running the Theoph dataset from MEMSS (Data sets and sample analyses from Pinheiro and Bates, “Mixed-effects Models in S and S-PLUS” (Springer, 2000)) in a JAGS model. To quote the MEMSS manual:‘Boeckmann, Sheiner and Beal (1994) report data from a study by Dr. Robert Upton of the kinetics of the anti-asthma...
7871 sym R (165 sym/2 pcs)