Publications by Thinking inside the box

nanotime 0.1.2


A new minor version of the nanotime package for working with nanosecond timestamps arrived yesterday on CRAN. nanotime uses the RcppCCTZ package for (efficient) high(er) resolution time parsing and formatting up to nanosecond resolution, and the bit64 package for the actual integer64 arithmetic. This release just arranges things neatly before Leo...

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#1: Easy Package Registration


Welcome to the first actual post in the R4 series, following the short announcement earlier this week. Context Last month, Brian Ripley announced on r-devel that registration of routines would now be tested for by R CMD check in r-devel (which by next month will become R 3.4.0). A NOTE will be issued now, this will presumably turn into a WARNING ...

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#2: Even Easier Package Registration


Welcome to the second post in rambling random R recommendation series, or R4 for short. Two days ago I posted the initial (actual) post. It provided context for why we need package registration entries (tl;dr: because R CMD check now tests for it, and because it The Right Thing to do, see documentation in the posts). I also showed how generating ...

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RApiDatetime 0.0.3


A brown bag bug fix release 0.0.3 of RApiDatetime is now on CRAN. RApiDatetime provides six entry points for C-level functions of the R API for Date and Datetime calculations. The functions asPOSIXlt and asPOSIXct convert between long and compact datetime representation, formatPOSIXlt and Rstrptime convert to and from character strings, and POSIX...

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#3: Follow R-devel


Welcome to the third post in the rarely relevant R recommendation series, or R4 for short. Today will be brief, but of some importance. In order to know where R is going next, few places provide a better vantage point than the actual ongoing development. A few years ago, I mentioned to Duncan Murdoch how straightforward the setup of my CRANberrie...

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#4: Simpler shoulders()


Welcome to the fourth post in the repulsively random R ramblings series, or R4 for short. My twitter feed was buzzing about a nice (and as yet unpublished, ie not-on-CRAN) package by Dirk Schumacher which compiles a a list of packages (ordered by maintainer count) for your current session (or installation ...

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RcppArmadillo 0.7.800.2.0


A new RcppArmadillo version 0.7.800.2.0 is now on CRAN. Armadillo is a powerful and expressive C++ template library for linear algebra aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use with a syntax deliberately close to a Matlab. RcppArmadillo integrates this library with the R environment and language–and is widely used by (currentl...

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#5: Easy package information


Welcome to the fifth post in the recklessly rambling R rants series, or R4 for short. The third post showed an easy way to follow R development by monitoring (curated) changes on the NEWS file for the development version r-devel. As a concrete example, I mentioned that it has shown a nice new function (tools::CRAN_package_db()) coming up in R 3.4...

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Rcpp now used by 1000 CRAN packages


Moments ago Rcpp passed a big milestone as there are now 1000 packages on CRAN depending on it (as measured by Depends, Imports and LinkingTo, but excluding Suggests). The graph is on the left depicts the growth of Rcpp usage over time. One easy way to compute such reverse dependency counts is the tools::dependsOnPkgs() function that was just men...

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RcppQuantuccia 0.0.1


New package! And, as it happens, a effectively a subset or variant of one my oldest packages, RQuantLib. Fairly recently, Peter Caspers started to put together a header-only subset of QuantLib. He called this Quantuccia, and, upon me asking, said that it stands for “little sister” of QuantLib. Very nice. One design goal is to keep Quantuccia ...

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