Publications by Thinking inside the box
drat 0.1.8: Minor test fix
A new version of drat arrived on CRAN today. This is a follow-up release to 0.1.7 from a week ago. It contains a quick follow-up by Felix Ernst to correct on of the tests which misbehaved under the old release of R still being tested at CRAN. drat stands for drat R Archive Template, and helps with easy-to-create and easy-to-use repositories for R...
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tint 0.1.3: Fixes for html mode, new demo
A new version 0.1.3 of the tint package arrived at CRAN today. It corrects some features for html output, notably margin notes and references. It also contains a new example for inline references. The full list of changes is below. Changes in tint version 0.1.3 (2020-07-18) A new minimal demo was added showing inline references (Dirk addressing...
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anytime 0.3.8: Minor Maintenance
A new minor release of the anytime package arrived on CRAN overnight. This is the nineteenth release, and it comes just over six months after the previous release giving further indicating that we appear to have reached a nice level of stability. anytime is a very focused package aiming to do just one thing really well: to convert anything in int...
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ttdo 0.0.6: Bugfix
A bugfix release of our (still small) ttdo package arrived on CRAN overnight. As introduced last fall, the ttdo package extends the most excellent (and very minimal / zero depends) unit testing package tinytest by Mark van der Loo with the very clever and well-done diffobj package by Brodie Gaslam to give us test results with visual diffs: This ...
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Installing and Running Ubuntu on a 2015-ish MacBook Air
So a few months ago kiddo one dropped an apparently fairly large cup of coffee onto her one and only trusted computer. With a few months (then) to graduation (which by now happened), and with the apparent “genuis bar” verdict of “it’s a goner” a new one was ordered. As it turns out this supposedly dead one coped well enough with the cof...
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RcppCCTZ 0.2.8: Minor API Extension
A new minor release 0.2.8 of RcppCCTZ is now on CRAN. RcppCCTZ uses Rcpp to bring CCTZ to R. CCTZ is a C++ library for translating between absolute and civil times using the rules of a time zone. In fact, it is two libraries. One for dealing with civil time: human-readable dates and times, and one for converting between between absolute and civil...
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nanotime 0.3.0: Yuge New Features!
A fresh major release of the nanotime package for working with nanosecond timestamps is hitting CRAN mirrors right now. nanotime relies on the RcppCCTZ package for (efficient) high(er) resolution time parsing and formatting up to nanosecond resolution, and the bit64 package for the actual integer64 arithmetic. Initially implemented using the S3 s...
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RVowpalWabbit 0.0.15: Some More CRAN Build Issues
Another maintenance RVowpalWabbit package update brought us to version 0.0.15 earlier today. We attempted to fix one compilation error on Solaris, and addressed a few SAN/UBSAN issues with the gcc build. As noted before, there is a newer package rvw based on the excellent GSoC 2018 and beyond work by Ivan Pavlov (mentored by James and myself) so ...
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nanotime 0.3.1: Misc Build Fixes for Yuge New Features!
The nanotime 0.3.0 release four days ago was so exciting that we decided to do it again! Kidding aside, and fairly extensive tests notwithstanding we were bitten by a few build errors: who knew clang on macOS needed extra curlies to be happy, another manifestation of Solaris having no idea what a timezone setting “America/New_York” is, plus s...
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RcppSimdJson 0.1.1: More Features
A first update following for the exciting RcppSimdJson 0.1.0 release last month is now on CRAN. Version 0.1.1 brings further enhancements such direct parsing of raw chars, working with compressed files as well as much expanded querying ability all thanks to Brendan, some improvements to our demos thanks to Daniel as well as a small fix via a one-...
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