Publications by Thinking inside the box

Rcpp now used by 900 CRAN packages


Today, Rcpp passed another milestone as 900 packages on CRAN now depend on it (as measured by Depends, Imports and LinkingTo declarations). The graph is on the left depicts the growth of Rcpp usage over time. The easiest way to compute this is to use the reverse_dependencies_with_maintainers() function from a helper scripts file on CRAN. This sti...

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nanotime 0.1.0: Now on Windows


Last month, we released nanotime, a package to work with nanosecond timestamps. See the initial release announcement for some background material and a few first examples. nanotime relies on the RcppCCTZ package for high(er) resolution time parsing and formatting: R itself stops a little short of a microsecond. And it uses the bit64 package for t...

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R / Finance 2017 Call for Papers


Last week, Josh sent the call for papers to the R-SIG-Finance list making everyone aware that we will have our nineth annual R/Finance conference in Chicago in May. Please see the call for paper (at the link, below, or at the website) and consider submitting a paper. We are once again very excited about our conference, thrilled about upcoming key...

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Rcpp 0.12.9: Next round


Yesterday afternoon, the nineth update in the 0.12.* series of Rcpp made it to the CRAN network for GNU R. Windows binaries have by now been generated; and the package was updated in Debian too. This 0.12.9 release follows the 0.12.0 release from late July, the 0.12.1 release in September, the 0.12.2 release in November, the 0.12.3 release in Jan...

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RProtoBuf 0.4.8: Windows support for proto3


Issue ticket #20 demonstrated that we had not yet set up Windows for version 3 of Google Protocol Buffers (“Protobuf”) — while the other platforms support it. So I made the change, and there is release 0.4.8. RProtoBuf provides R bindings for the Google Protocol Buffers (“Protobuf”) data encoding and serialization library used and relea...

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Updated Example Repo for RMarkdown and Metropolis/Mtheme


During useR! 2016, Nick Tierney had asked on Twitter about rmarkdown and metropolis and whether folks had used RMarkdown-driven LaTeX Beamer presentations. My firm hell yeah answer, based on having used mtheme outright or in local mods for quite some time (see my talks page), lead to this blog post of mine describing this GitHub repo I had quickl...

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digest 0.6.12


A new release, now at version 0.6.12, of the digest package is now on CRAN and in Debian. The digest creates hash digests of arbitrary R objects (using the ‘md5’, ‘sha-1’, ‘sha-256’, ‘crc32’, ‘xxhash’ and ‘murmurhash’ algorithms) permitting easy comparison of R language objects. This release extends sha1 digest methods to ...

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gunsales 0.1.2


An update to the gunsales package is now on the CRAN network. As in the last update, some changes are mostly internal. We removed the need to import two extra packages with were used in one line each — easy enough to be replaced with base R. We also update the included data sets, and update a few things for current R packaging standards. Courte...

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RPushbullet 0.3.0


A major new update of the RPushbullet package is now on CRAN. RPushbullet interfacing the neat Pushbullet service for inter-device messaging, communication, and more. It lets you easily send alerts like the one to the to your browser, phone, tablet, … — or all at once. This release owes a lot to Seth Wenchel who was instrumental in driving se...

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nanotime 0.1.1


A new version of the nanotime package for working with nanosecond timestamps is now on CRAN. nanotime uses the RcppCCTZ package for (efficient) high(er) resolution time parsing and formatting, and the bit64 package for the actual integer64 arithmetic. This release adds an improved default display format always showing nine digits of fractional se...

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