Publications by Office of Marketing and Brand Management
Weekly Inquiries and Applications
Year Over Year Inquiry and Application Flow HSUGIS HSUGIS Inquiries HSUGIS Applicants HSUGOS HSUGOS Inquiries HSUGOS Applicants CUTRIS CUTRIS Inquiries CUTRIS Applicants CUTROS CUTROS Inquiries CUTROS Applicants WADC WADC Inquiries WADC Applicants CUGRIS CUGRIS Inquiries CUGRIS Applicants WAGRIS WAGRIS Inquiries WAGRIS Applicants C...
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MediaPlatform Spend Impressions Clicks CTR CPC CPM Search $130,000 2,987,535 129,982 4.35% $1 $43.51 FBIG $ 60,000 15,812,232 53,487 0.34% $1.12 $3.79 DBM $139,500 20,014,347 14,010 0.07% $9.96 $6.97 SC $ 30,000 18,191,108 276,720 1.52% $0.11 $1.65 YT $ 22,000 1,175,315 1,281 0.11% $17.17 $18.72 LI $ 6,000 87,873 9,174 10.44% $0.65 $68.28 ...
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K-Pop Care Guide
A K-Pop Care Guide This will take 10 minutes Say hi. Be careful, this kitty shows affection by trying to bite and be scary. Play as much as you want. Check food and water. Refill food, 1/2 can, and just a tiny hand-full of a dry snack. Extra Credit Check kitty litter. This is the house. You won’t see the kitty waiting because the door is locke...
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A K-Pop Care Guide This will take 10 minutes Say hi. Be careful, this kitty shows affection by trying to bite and be scary. Play as much as you want. Check food and water. Refill food, 1/2 can, and just a tiny hand-full of a dry snack. Extra Credit Check kitty litter. This is the house. You won’t see the kitty waiting because the door is locke...
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Publish Document
Year Over Year Inquiry and Application Flow HSUGIS HSUGIS Inquiries HSUGIS Applicants HSUGOS HSUGOS Inquiries HSUGOS Applicants CUTRIS CUTRIS Inquiries CUTRIS Applicants CUTROS CUTROS Inquiries CUTROS Applicants Start Here WA Grad Programs DC WADC Inquiries WADC Applicants GR GR Inquiries GR Applicants Notes from Rinck Meeting Refer...
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Revised Weekly Report
Year Over Year Inquiry and Application Flow HSUGIS HSUGIS Inquiries HSUGIS Applicants HSUGOS HSUGOS Inquiries HSUGOS Applicants CUTRIS CUTRIS Inquiries CUTRIS Applicants CUTROS CUTROS Inquiries CUTROS Applicants WADC WADC Inquiries WADC Applicants grepl(“Applic”, Student.Stage), CUGRIS CUGRIS Inquiries CUGRIS Applicants WAGR WAG...
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Year Over Year Inquiry and Application Flow HSUGIS HSUGIS Inquiries HSUGIS Applicants HSUGOS HSUGOS Inquiries HSUGOS Applicants CUTRIS CUTRIS Inquiries CUTRIS Applicants CUTROS CUTROS Inquiries CUTROS Applicants WADC WADC Inquiries WADC Applicants CUGRIS CUGRIS Inquiries CUGRIS Applicants WAGRIS WAGRIS Inquiries WAGRIS Applicants C...
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Publish Document
Year Over Year Inquiry and Application Flow HSUGIS HSUGIS Inquiries HSUGIS Applicants HSUGOS HSUGOS Inquiries HSUGOS Applicants CUTRIS CUTRIS Inquiries CUTRIS Applicants CUTROS CUTROS Inquiries CUTROS Applicants Start Here WA Grad Programs DC WADC Inquiries WADC Applicants GR GR Inquiries GR Applicants Notes from Rinck Meeting Refer...
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Search Workflow DetailedAuthor Christine Iyer, Office of Marketing and Brand Management Pre-processing Search names: Tidying Leads for Reuse newLeads <- newLeads %>% mutate(Primary.Zip.Postal.Code = as.character(normalize_zip(Primary.Zip.Postal.Code))) Warning in sprintf("%05i", as.numeric(zipcode)): NAs introduced by coercion I and J Move AL...
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Basic Description FY20 - FY22 Search Name Conversions by Vendor Findings Beginning FY20, John Derouche and I created codes to populate custom fields in Salesforce in order to accurately tag leads from the beginning of the enrollment process. This replaced an outdated field that was overwritten anytime a duplicated name would be uploaded to th...
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