Publications by Office of Marketing and Brand Management



Election 2020 Data comes from here x Trump = 43.48% x Biden = 47.78% Election 2016 2016 Data from here Comparison by year and poll party year candidatevotes totalvotes Pct MyFavoriteCandidate 1988 41716679 91586825 45.55 MyFavoriteCandidate 1992 44856747 104599780 42.88 MyFavoriteCandidate 1996 47295351 96389818 49.07 M...

1234 sym 1 img

FA21 Muskie


Vendors and Mediums For details on each program and audience, click the arrows. Facebook Display Programmatic Display LinkedIn Display ...

151 sym



library(dplyr) ## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.6.3 ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(knitr) ## Warning: package 'knitr' was bu...

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Publish Document


Marketing Analytics Reporting Templates Locations and Notes Christine Iyer 2020-12-16 Weekly Admissions Funnel for Rinck 2 scripts to run Data Collection: Run this Salesforce Report and export and save the csv to C:/Users/christine.iyer/Box/FY21 Weekly Admissions Reports Summary to Inform Agency Campaigns/Reports/DAA_mm-dd-yyyy.csv Tidying: “...

2171 sym

Data Analyst Workflow for Regular Reporting


Marketing Analytics Reporting Templates Locations and Notes Christine Iyer 2020-12-16 Weekly Admissions Funnel for Rinck 2 scripts to run Data Collection: Run this Salesforce Report and export and save the csv to C:/Users/christine.iyer/Box/FY21 Weekly Admissions Reports Summary to Inform Agency Campaigns/Reports/DAA_mm-dd-yyyy.csv Tidying: “...

2168 sym



Advertising Analytics The Data Analyst monitors several advertising procedures to ensure that the Marketing Department has access to reliable campaign data that can be queried for future campaign performance reports. To maintain the integrity of this database, multiple processes need to be followed exactly. Naming Conventions The Rinck Agency ru...

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class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Stealth Applications ## Exploratory Data Analysis 2016-2020 ### Department of Marketing and Brand Management ### 2020/03/03 (updated: 2021-03-15) --- background-image: ![](First Year Stealth.png)) ??? --- class: center, middle # Change in Stealth Applications 2016-2020 - First-Year Stu...

21055 sym



Basic Description The purpose of this report is to update the statistics on inquiries and applicants for the FY21 Fall Travel Campaign, from the inception of the advertising campaign through 2 weeks after its completion. Based on the Office of Admissions’ historical schedules for out-of-state visits, Rinck has been able to specifically target a...

3591 sym 1 img 6 tbl



Inquiries by City City Targeted County FY19 FY20 FY21 Trend Brewster Barnstable, MA 0 0 1 \(\uparrow\) East Falmouth Barnstable, MA 1 0 1 \(\uparrow\) Eastham Barnstable, MA 0 0 1 \(\uparrow\) Hyannis Barnstable, MA 0 0 1 \(\uparrow\) Marstons Mills Barnstable, MA 1 0 2 \(\uparrow...

50 sym 2 tbl

Publish Document


Year Over Year Inquiry and Application Flow HSUGIS HSUGIS Inquiries HSUGIS Applicants HSUGOS HSUGOS Inquiries HSUGOS Applicants CUTRIS CUTRIS Inquiries CUTRIS Applicants CUTROS CUTROS Inquiries CUTROS Applicants WADC WADC Inquiries WADC Applicants CUGRIS CUGRIS Inquiries CUGRIS Applicants WAGRIS WAGRIS Inquiries WAGRIS Applicants ...

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