Publications by Jeromy Anglim

Example Reproducible Report using R Markdown: Analysis of California Schools Test Data


This is a quick set of analyses of the California Test Score dataset. The post was produced using R Markdown in RStudio 0.96. The main purpose of this post is to provide a case study of using R Markdown to prepare a quick reproducible report. It provides examples of using plots, output, in-line R code, and markdown. The post is designed to be ...

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How to Convert Sweave LaTeX to knitr R Markdown: Winter Olympic Medals Example


The following post shows how to manually convert a Sweave LaTeX document into a knitr R Markdown document. The post (1) reviews many of the required changes; (2) provides an example of a document converted to R Markdown format based on an analysis of Winter Olympic Medal data up to and including 2006; and (3) discusses the pros and cons of LaTeX...

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Converting Sweave LaTeX to knitr LaTeX: A case study


The following post documents the steps I needed to take in order to convert a project using Sweave LaTeX into one using knitr LaTeX. Additional Resources It is fairly straightforward to convert a document from Sweave LaTeX to knitr LaTeX. Yihui Xie on the knitr website provides the following useful resources: Transition to Sweave from knitr: Thi...

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Video: knitr, R Markdown, and R Studio: Introduction to Reproducible Analysis


This post presents the video of a talk that I presented in July 2012 at Melbourne R Users on using knitr, R Markdown, and R Studio to perform reproducible analysis. I also provide links to a github repository where the R markdown examples can be examined and the slides can be downloaded. Talk Overview Reproducible analysis represents a process f...

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Evaluating the Potential Incorporation of R into Research Methods Education in Psychology


I was recently completing some professional development activities that required me to write a report on a self-chosen topic related to diversity in student backgrounds. I chose to use the opportunity to reflect on the potential for using R to teach psychology students research methods. I thought I’d share the report in case it interests anyone...

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Using R to replicate common SPSS multiple regression output


The following post replicates some of the standard output you might get from a multiple regression analysis in SPSS. A copy of the code in RMarkdown format is available on github. The post was motivated by this previous post that discussed using R to teach psychology students statistics. library(foreign) # read.spss library(psych) # describe...

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Customising ProjectTemplate in R


This post talks about my workflow for getting started with a new data analysis project using the ProjectTemplate package. Overview of ProjectTemplate ProjectTemplate is an R Package which facilitates data analysis, encourages good data analysis habits, and standardises many data analytic steps. After many years of refining a data analysis workf...

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Suggestions for how R and RStudio could improve auto-completion and usability of R


RStudio has improved the power of auto-completion in R and generally increased usability. However, there remains the potential to improve discoverability and usability. There are also coding practices that R package authors can adopt both to work better with auto-complete and make the features of their R package more discoverable.  A...

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Generating APA style tables in R: Current challenges


This post reviews some aspects of generating formatted tables using R suitable for inclusion in a manuscript conforming to APA style. I review my current workflow that involves a large amount of manual formatting in Excel. I then discuss what it would take to automate more of these manual steps in R.My current workflow for incorporati...

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