Publications by Jeromy Anglim
Videos on Data Analysis with R: Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Resources
If you want to learn about R through videos, there are now a large number of options.This post provides links to many of these video under the headings of:(a) What is R?(b) Introductory R, and(c) Intermediate and Advanced R.What is R?If you are evaluating whether you should learn and use R, these videos explain what R does and why it ...
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Abbreviations of R Commands Explained: 250+ R Abbreviations
The R programming language includes many abbreviations. Abbreviations exist in function names, argument names, and allowed values for arguments. This post expands on over 150 R abbreviations with the aim of making it easier for users new to R who are trying to memorise R commands. ContextAbbreviations save time when typing and can ...
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A 34 Minute Video on Using R to Analyse Winter Olympic Medal Data
In this post I present a 34-minute video on using R. The video is based on an analysis of 1924 to 2006 Winter Olympic Medals that I presented previously in text form. The video aims to to show what an interactive session in R might look like using StatET and Eclipse. Introductory ThoughtsI recently posted a set of links...
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More Free Online Instructional Videos on R
I previously posted a set of links to online videos on R. I organised videos into three categories: (1) what is R; (2) how to do basic data analysis in R; and (3) how to use intermediate and advanced tools in R. Since writing the post I’ve discovered six or seven additional sources of videos. Each source has multiple videos (over 2...
1154 sym
How to calculate confidence intervals of correlations with R
This post sets out how to calculate confidence intervals for correlations using R. Because I often get this question from people unfamiliar with R, it assumes no prior knowledge of R. Formulas Online Statsbookhas formulas for calculating the confidence interval of a correlation coefficient. R Download and Install R (R Home Page; Windows Install...
863 sym R (313 sym/1 pcs)
makefiles for Sweave, R and LaTeX using Eclipse on Windows
This post provides a brief introduction to make and makefiles. In particular it describes how to set up make on Windows with an emphasis on using make in Eclipse on projects involving R, Sweave, and LaTeX. Overview make is software that uses makefiles to build projects. make has many benefits. One click buildReliable build (always b...
3102 sym
Sweave Tutorial 1: Using Sweave, R, and Make to Generate a PDF of Multiple Choice Questions
In this post I present an example of using Sweave to prepare a PDF of formatted multiple choice questions.More broadly the example shows how to use Sweave to incorporate elements of a databaseinto a formatted LaTeX document.It aims to be useful to anyone wanting to learn more about the almost magical powers of make, Sweave, and R.Ove...
8252 sym R (1534 sym/4 pcs) 2 img
Getting Started with Git, EGit, Eclipse, and GitHub: Version Control for R Projects
This post provides information on (a) installing Git using the Eclipse plugin Egit. (b) uploading repositories to GitHub, and (c) links to resources on Git, Git and LaTeX, and Git and R. The focus is on version control for people working on R, Sweave, and LaTeX related projects. Overview Version control works really well with R, Swe...
5164 sym
Sweave Tutorial 2: Batch Individual Personality Reports using R, Sweave, and LaTeX
This post documents an example of using Sweave to generate individualised personality reports based on responses to a personality test. Each report provides information on both the responses of the general sample and responses of the specific respondent. All source code is provided, and selected aspects are discussed, including makefiles use of...
7347 sym R (4015 sym/8 pcs)
Sweave Tutorial 3: Console Input and Output – Multiple Choice Test Analysis
This post provides an example of using Sweave to perform an item analysis of a multiple choice test. It is designed as a tutorial for learning more about using Sweave in a mode where console input and output is displayed. Copies of all source code and the final PDF report is provided. Overview The repository with all source files...
6320 sym R (1580 sym/6 pcs)