Publications by Jeromy Anglim

R Workflow: Slides from a Talk at Melbourne R Users (1st Dec 2010)


I gave a presentation at Melbourne R Userson the topic of R Workflow. The presentation covered R code organisation, and useful R related tools including Eclipse, StatET, Git, make, Sweave and LaTeX. Also, the slides from the presentation provide links to four complete examples of using R, Sweave, LaTeX, and make. PDF of Slides A...

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Video of Reproducible Research with R: Melbourne R Users 1st Dec 2010


As previously mentionedI gave a talk at Melbourne R Users Group titled “Reproducible Research and R Workflow”. It covered technologies including LaTeX, Sweave, R, make, Eclipse, and git. This post shares the video. I’d like to thank Pedro Olaya for filming the session, and Drew Conwayfor preparing, uploading, and hosting the ...

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Reasons for Transitioning to Vim: Bringing LaTeX, R, Sweave and More under One Roof


This post describes the reasons for my transition to Vim.Brief BackgroundOver the years I’ve used a lot of different text editors on Windows.In general, I’ve used whatever text editor came with a program.When I started using R, I moved from Rgui through Tinn-R, JGR, and others,finally settling in to really enjoy the StatET plugin in Eclipse.W...

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R versus Matlab in Mathematical Psychology


I recently attended the 2011 Australasian Mathematical Psychology Conference.This post summarises a few thoughts I had on the use of R, Matlab and othertools in mathematical psychology flowing from discussions with researchers atthe conference.I wanted to get a sense of the software used by researchers in mathematicalpsychology.What was popular?W...

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R Optimisation Tips using Optim and Maximum Likelihood


This post summarises some R modelling tips I picked up atAMPC2011.I got some tips from a tutorial on parameter estimationput on by Scott Brownfrom the Newcastle Cognition Lab.The R code used in the tutorial is available directly hereor from the conference website.The main tips I took from the tutorial were:Consider using BICas a model comparison...

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Guide to Getting Started with R: 2011 Update


In mid-2009, I wrote a post on getting started with R. A lot has happened in the world of R over the last two years. New books, videos, online documentation, blogs and other resources have emerged. New community structures have emerged. As such I’ve given the guide a major overhaul both to increase its usability and acknowledge the many excitin...

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Correlation Resources: SPSS, R, Causality, Interpretation, and APA Style Reporting


This post provides links to a range of resources related to the use and interpretation of correlations. I wanted to provide a page with links to a number of additional resources that would be useful both for those of my students who might be keen to learn more and for anyone else who might be interested. Specifically, this post provides links to:...

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Getting Started with JAGS, rjags, and Bayesian Modelling


This post provides links to various resources on getting started with Bayesian modelling using JAGS and R. It discusses: (1) what is JAGS; (2) why you might want to perform Bayesian modelling using JAGS; (3) how to install JAGS; (4) where to find further information on JAGS; (5) where to find examples of JAGS scripts in action; (6) where to ask q...

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How to plot three categorical variables and one continuous variable using ggplot2


This post shows how to produce a plot involving three categorical variables and one continuous variable using ggplot2 in R. The following code is also available as a gist on github. 1. Create Data First, let’s load ggplot2 and create some data to work with: library(ggplot2) set.seed(4444) Data <- expand.grid(group=c("Apples", "Bananas", "Carr...

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Getting Started with R Markdown, knitr, and Rstudio 0.96


This post examines the features of R Markdown using knitr in Rstudio 0.96. This combination of tools provides an exciting improvement in usability for reproducible analysis. Specifically, this post (1) discusses getting started with R Markdown and knitr in Rstudio 0.96; (2) provides a basic example of producing console output and plots using ...

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