Publications by C

BP Oil and Gas Recovery


As mentioned in a previous post, the US Department of Energy has been providing data about the Deepwater Horizon as it becomes available.  Recently, the amount of oil and gas recovered was made available.  The spreadsheet includes a graph of the oil and gas recovered thus far, and there are additional documents on the site that describe the re...

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Thoroughly Unusual Itches


I have found myself over the years in a rather awkward situation.  I work in old-school, bricks and mortar industry IT shops for the most part.  However, I love many open source projects and identify with many of the values of start up culture.  I started the whole IT thing later in life than most – and hey I’ve got bills and grown up resp...

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R Chart


Been meaning to write this for awhile…An R-Chart is a statistical quality assurance tool used to determine if a process is stable (and predictable).  It is intended to maintain and improve the quality of a process (a more formal definition is available at  You can also read about an R Chart at Wikipedia or learn about ho...

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Hacker News User Base Changed?


There are lots of references on Hacker news to the fact that the “good old days” are gone and that the character of the site has changed since it started.  The visualization above was based on a sample of users that posted on the site in recent times.  The data was gathered by iterating over the first 1000 pages and gleaning a list of user ...

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Pie Charts in ggplot2


…and other isomorphic data shape presentations…The Pie Chart has been widely criticized in recent times by statisticians.  Edward Tufte goes as far as to call this the “prevailing orthodoxy.”  The reasons generally cited:The relative size of each slice is difficult to interpret.  Studies have shown that piecharts are hard to read.Pie...

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Free R Chart iPhone App


Download the free R-Chart iPhone Application for the latest news and updates from top R web sites… (and this blog too).App Store LinkLeave a comment if you have any feedback or suggestions! Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R-Chart. offers daily e-mail updates about...

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Thinking about Graphs


A recent Wall Street Journal article ruminated about the degree that language shapes thought (rather than the other way around).  This idea has rather profound implications in the more specific domain of programming languages. We initially learn a programming language but later “think” in terms of the language. To some degree, we are constr...

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RODM Article on the Oracle Technology Network


A new article over at OTN demonstrates the new RODM package that allows you to control Oracle Data Mining within the database itself using R.  This and the recent announcement over at Revolution Analytics both reveal more solutions for processing large data sets and suggest new applications for the use of R. Related To leave a comment for the...

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Suggestions for R-Chart iPhone App?


Have any ideas for news sources to include in  the new R-Chart iPhone App?  I am hoping to make some revisions and fixes and figured I would get some feedback from anyone who happened download it.  Specifically, I am planning on removing the message button and was thinking of including another RSS feed.  What news sources on R would you like ...

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U.S. Unemployment Data: Animated Choropleth Maps


I was curious about creating maps with ggplot2 – and was happy to find that great minds have long since tackled this topic.  Folks who are interested in how to learn about R (and ggplot2) might be interested in the process.  (There should be a “greatest hits” listing related to R topics like this – the best I can think of to do is reviv...

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