Publications by C
Package rtrie on CRAN
Just had a new package published on CRAN…rtrie :).The rtrie package allows you to quickly create Tries from a list of strings. Example use cases for the package are word searching in games like Boggle or Scrabble or implementation of applications that autocomplete or autocorrect text. Incidentally, besides being great for sta...
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Investigating Cryptocurrencies using R
Cryptocurrencies are a fascinating phenomenon and excellent data source for analysis with R. This post will introduce how to get a list of available currencies into R. Wikipedia maintains a page with a list of cryptocurrencies. These can be read from HTML into a data frame.library(httr)library(XML)results = GET(“
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Investigating Cryptocurrencies (Part II)
This is the second in a series of posts designed to show how the R programming language can be used with cryptocurrency related data sets. A number of R packages are great for analyzing stocks and bonds and similar financial instruments. These can also be applied to working with cryptocurrencies. In this post we will focus on Bitcoin.Bitcoi...
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