Publications by C

R / Shiny Poll Results


A few days ago I posted a poll directed towards R (and Shiny Users).  Thank you to all who participated for your time and thoughtful responses.  A RMarkdown Report (Code on Github) highlights the results to the easy-to-summarize questions.  A few interesting insights:78% of R users use Windows.  The largest group of Windows users uses Windo...

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Data Manipulation in R: Beyond SQL


As a follow up to an article on using SQL in R, I just had an new article published at Simple Talk that considers ways to manipulate data in R that are cumbersome in SQL as well as ways to replace SQL statements with functional equivalents. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R-Chart. ...

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Data Manipulation in R: Beyond SQL


As a follow up to an article on using SQL in R, I just had an new article published at Simple Talk that considers ways to manipulate data in R that are cumbersome in SQL as well as ways to replace SQL statements with functional equivalents. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R-Chart. ...

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Map of Middle Earth in R


Map of Middle EarthThe map above was created using ggplot2, ggmaps, and maptools in R.  These are just a few of the great R packages available for cartography and geographic applications.  Many readers of this blog will be familiar with these packages and more recent R package additions like leaflet.  But great packages are only part of the pr...

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The Grammar of Graphics and Radar Charts


A radar chart (also known as a web chart, spider chart, or star chart) is described on Wikipedia as ‘a two-dimensional chart of three or more quantitative variables represented on axes starting from the same point.’  Although this is an accurate description, it does not express the design and structure of a chart in a way that relates it to ...

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Apollo Moon Landings


Welcome to the second in a series of posts of maps-to-places-I-am-unlikely-to-visit generated by R (the previous post is here).A bit-o NASA data, the R threejs library and a few lines of code can be used to create an interactive map that identifies the landing locations of Apollo lunar landing missions.The lunar map above is better vi...

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SQLServer on Docker


I have been looking forward to test driving Microsoft SQLServer R Services.   However, I don’t run the Windows Operating System on any of my machines.  I do use Docker regularly and so was interested to hear about a new version of SQLServer that runs on Linux that is now available as a Docker container.  Although I have yet to test drive R ...

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Package ggguitar on CRAN


The initial release of ggguitar is available on CRAN!  This package allows you to create guitar tablature in the style of ggplot2.  As a quick example, the C Major chord shown above can be created as follows.library(ggguitar)C_M ->tablature(‘C Major’, C_M)The tablature function takes the name of the chord for the first argument and a six el...

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Understanding SQL and R Training Video


Just had a video series released by O’Reilly Media on course shows you how to combine two of the most popular technologies used in data analytics: SQL and R.  Complete this course and you’ll learn the basics of a skill set highly valued by employers a...

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New Release of ggguitar available on CRAN


Based on feedback ggguitar has been updated and released on CRAN.  The updated vignette includes more examples of how the package can be used.  Example below as well: Update – Blogger was reformatting the R code – so made it available in this gist instead.Merry Christmas. Related To leave a comment for the author, please fol...

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