Publications by Anthony Damico

analyze the trends in international mathematics and science study (timss) with r


an underexplored chest of international quantitative aptitude testing, the trends in international mathematics and science study (timss) would make any pearson stockholder smile.  examining the mathematical mastery of more than 600,000 students from over sixty countries, this survey would illuminate an aggressive analyst (that’s yo...

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statistically significant trends with multiple years of complex survey data


guest post by my friend thomas yokota, an oahu-based epidemiologist. palmero professor vito muggeo wrote the joinpoint analysis section of the code below to demonstrate that the segmented package eliminates the need for external (registration-only, windows-only) software. survey package creator and professor thomas lumley wrote the svypr...

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laptop-friendly analysis of the census of 82 countries with r and monetdb


the integrated public use microdata series international (ipumsi) has been my white whale since i started in survey research.  non-demographers, perhaps think of this repository as a martryoshka varanasi-kaaba-ark of the covenant: nothing compares.  the minnesota population center amassed half a billion person-level records from national stati...

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asdfree 2015-12-09 04:28:00


obsessively-detailed instructions to analyze publicly-available survey data with free tools – the r language, the survey package, and (for big data) sqlsurvey + monetdb.governments spend billions of dollars each year surveying their populations.  if you have a computer and some energy, you should be able to unlock it for free, wit...

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analyze the pesquisa nacional de saude (pns) with r


starting in 1988, the brazilian institute of geography and statistics (ibge) quinquennially included a health supplement questionnaire alongside their annual pesquisa nacional de domicilios (pnad) to monitor public health and inform the ongoing debate both in brasilia and within each municipalidade.  that setup worked for a while, bu...

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MonetDBLite because fast


MonetDBLite is a SQL database that runs inside the R environment for statistical computing and does not require the installation of any external software. MonetDBLite is based on free and open-source MonetDB, a product of the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica.MonetDBLite is similar in functionality to RSQLite, but typically completes queries bla...

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