Publications by Anthony Damico
analyze the pesquisa nacional por amostra de domicilios (pnad) with r
think of the pesquisa nacional por amostra de domicilios (pnad) as the brazilian census for off-years – the ones that don’t end in zero. the principal household survey for the nation of brazil, pnad measures general education, labor, income, and housing characteristics of the population. pesquisa nacional por amostra de domici...
4174 sym
analyze the medical large claims experience study (mlces) with r
not a survey, not even remotely current, the society of actuaries’ medical large claims experience study (mlces) might be the best private health insurance claims data available to the public. this data should be used to calibrate other data sets, and probably nothing more.researchers interested in studying healthcare patterns amo...
3945 sym
analyze the social security administration public use microdata files (ssapumf) with r
the social security administration (ssa) must be overflowing with quiet heroes, because their public-use microdata files are as inconspicuous as they are thorough. sure, ssa publishes enough great statistical research of their own that outside researchers rarely find ourselves wanting more and finer data that this agency can provide...
2803 sym
analyze the new york city housing and vacancy survey (nychvs) with r
for those interested in the real estate and rental markets of the big apple, the census bureau’s nyc housing and vacancy survey might be your key to the city. if you care about how many new york residents live more than one person per room (a lot), how many structures are dilapidated (a few, phew), or what rent prices run these da...
4704 sym
analyze the pesquisa de orcamentos familiares (pof) with r
for the unlucky among us born without a portuguese mother tongue, the pesquisa de orcamentos familiares (pof) translates to survey of household budgets. this data set captures brazilian family consumption habits, allocation of expenses, and income distributions along with some handy quality of life and nutritional profile characteri...
6888 sym
analyze the united states decennial census public use microdata sample (pums) with r and monetdb
during his tenure as secretary of state, thomas jefferson oversaw the first american census way back in 1790. some of my countrymen express pride that we’re the oldest democracy, but my heart swells with the knowledge that we’ve got the world’s oldest ongoing census. you’ll find the terms ‘census’ and ‘enumeration’...
5688 sym
analyze the american time use survey (atus) with r
the american time use survey collects information about how we spend our time. it’s a pretty simple setup: sampled individuals write down everything they do for a single twenty-four hour period, in ten minute intervals. those diaries are averaged across all respondents, and we end up with results like this genius nyt visualizat...
5132 sym
analyze the surveillance epidemiology and end results (seer) with r and monetdb
the surveillance epidemiology and end results program is the aggregation of all cancer registry statistics in the united states. created by congressional decree, seer has captured a nationally-representative quarter of american cancer incidence since 1973. when acs, cdc, nci, and naaccr publish their collaborative annual report, t...
3864 sym
analyze the youth risk behavior surveillance system (yrbss) with r
the youth risk behavior surveillance system is the high school edition of the behavioral risk factor surveillance system (brfss), a scientific study of good kids who do bad things. questions are mostly about sex, drugs, rock and roll, and populate a veritable bouquet of cdc reports, fact sheets, and journal articles. want to know ...
3974 sym
analyze the national plan and provider enumeration system (nppes) with r and monetdb
the national plan and provider enumeration system (nppes) contains information about every provider, insurance plan, and clearinghouse actively operating in the united states healthcare industry. did i just see the ears of all the health workforce researchers in the room perk up? it’s freely downloadable, courtesy of the departm...
5309 sym