Publications by Anthony Damico

analyze the pesquisa mensal de emprego (pme) with r


whether or not you hit the snooze button, once every month your morning radio station probably announces the latest employment statistics for the nation.  in the united states, those headlines come from the bureau of labor statistics’ current population survey.  meanwhile down in rio de janeiro, the brazilian institute of geograph...

4022 sym

analyze the national household travel survey (nhts) with r and monetdb


if you’ve ever gotten stuck in traffic and started wondering what data might be available to better design the network of roads and rail, rev your engines for the national household travel survey (nhts).  dating back to the same decade as eisenhower’s interstate system, this random sample of americans contains most every event re...

5117 sym

analyze the european social survey (ess) with r


with more than a decade of microdata aimed at gauging the political mood across european nations, the european social survey (ess) allows scientists like you to examine socio-demographic shifts among broad groups all the way down to pirate party (piratpartiet) voters in sweden.  with much of the same scope as the united states’ gen...

5277 sym

analyze the censo demografico no brasil (censo) with r and monetdb


almost a century older than its own capital city, the decennial censo demografico no brasil (censo) forms the basis of every major survey product in the country.  the pesquisa nacional por amostra de domicilios (pnad), the pesquisa de orcamentos familiares (pof), the pesquisa mensal de emprego (pme), and all the other microdata sets ...

9471 sym

analyze the medicare current beneficiary survey (mcbs) with r


for over two decades now, researchers at cms have produced the definitive complex sample survey dataset of americans covered by medicare: the medicare current beneficiary survey (mcbs).  i bristle with righteous indignation when healthcare researchers tell me that medicare is boring because it’s pushing fifty.  yeah listen close �...

6229 sym

analyze the american housing survey (ahs) with r


plenty of nationwide surveys collect information at the household-level, only the american housing survey (ahs) focuses on the physical structure rather than the inhabitants.  when asked to pick their favorite public-use file, urban planners, realty researchers, even data-driven squatters choose this one.  in action since (and with ...

7133 sym

analyze the demographic and health surveys (dhs) with r


professors of public health 101 probably cite the results of the demographic and health surveys (dhs) more than all other data sources combined.  funded by the united states agency for international development (usaid) and administered by the technically-savvy analysts at icf international, this collection of multinational surveys en...

5130 sym

analyze the fda adverse event reporting system (faers) with r


doctors prescribe medications for patients all the time.  all the time.  sometimes the results are beneficial, other times the drug has no discernible effect, but occasionally those substances actually cause harm.  since the drug is already on the market, there needs to be a post-approval mechanism for detecting health hazards that...

3343 sym

analyze the programme for the international assessment of adult competencies (piaac) with r


heaven knows we’ve all been there: you’re in a heated argument with some patriotic zealot who thinks (insert country here) has the best labor force on earth.  you know they’re just spewing made-up-statistic after made-up-statistic, but you don’t have hard examples of your own to counter their ignorance.  hit the pause button...

3773 sym

analyze the world values survey (wvs) with r


a global barometer of public opinion, the world values survey (wvs) clocks in as your best source of cross-cultural moods, attitudes.   you might find its most famous product sweepingly general, but who among us has never ever swept a smidgen of nuance under the rug?  if you want to explore complex international patterns of belief, ...

3564 sym