
Descriptive Statistics #1 Latest


Data wrangling Frequency table and TAI Basic plots ggplot2 plots Using facets Descriptive statistics #1 Summary tables with ‘kable’ Descriptive statistics - summary table for quantitative variable using reporttools Contingency tables using...

3119 sym R (1062 sym/5 pcs) 7 img 4 tbl

Karim I 7

Homework Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

6747 sym R (10017 sym/40 pcs) 5 img

Karlijn Willems 7

The Periodic Table of Data Science Latest


This periodic table can serve as a guide to navigate the key players in the data science space. The resources in the table were chosen by looking at surveys taken from data science users, such as the 2016 Data Science Salary Survey by O’Reilly,...

5931 sym 4 img

Soo Kar Lok 7

Lab - Soo Kar Lok (s2000961) Latest


Lab-Week3 Soo Kar Lok 2021-11-08 Question 1 Write a R program to count number of objects in a given list? list_data <- list( c(" Red "," Green "," Black "),list(" Python ", " PHP ", " Java ")) print(" List:") ## [1] " List:" print( list_data )...

1028 sym R (3211 sym/64 pcs)

Karol Bernal 7

primer doc Latest


mi primer doc Inferencia estadistica ##Distribuciones muestrales: Distribucion normal Distribucion f Distribucion Chi Distribucion t La funcion de densidad de la distribucion normal de media \(\mu\) y varianza \(\sigma^2\) \[f(x)=...

511 sym R (287 sym/9 pcs) 2 img

Katherine Henao 7

Tarea 3 Latest


#Simulacion de COVID 19 en una empresa MuestraT = function(n){ empleados=sample(c(rep(“+”,60),rep(“-”,940))) #% real de enfermos real=60/1000*100 real Muestra=sample(empleados,size = 100) Contagiados=sum(Muestra==“+”)...

1267 sym

Katherine Mac-ginty y Maria Jose Flores 7

Tarea decimas Latest


Pregunta 1 Limpie el environment para comenzar a trabajar. (1 punto) rm(list=ls()) Pregunta 2 Cargue los paquetes necesarios para trabajar con DT. (1 punto) library(data.table) Pregunta 3 Abra la base de datos Resultados Electorales Pista: Para...

2451 sym R (6049 sym/36 pcs)

Katy Haller 7

Session 5 Lab 1 -- Hourly Meteorological Data across 5 US Cities Latest


Question 1 Based on skills you have already developed, acquire hourly weather data for at least five different cities with contrasting climatic conditions, such as a couple of cities from the coastal areas, a couple of cities from the middle parts...

2727 sym R (11549 sym/10 pcs) 5 img

Test Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

591 sym R (262 sym/2 pcs) 1 img

Kayla Jasmine 7

Data-Visualization (Aids In Indonesia) Latest


Data Visualization About The Increase in HIV And AIDS in Indonesia Data Visualization About The Increase in HIV And AIDS in Indonesia Setup Library Background Cleaning The Data Insert The Data Column Description: Change Year column to Integer...

6355 sym R (18369 sym/28 pcs) 2 img