Publications by Karlijn Willems

Matplotlib Cheat Sheet: Plotting in Python


Data visualization and storytelling with your data are essential skills that every data scientist needs to communicate insights gained from analyses effectively to any audience out there. For most beginners, the first package that they use to get in touch with data visualization and storytelling is, naturally, Matplotlib: it is a Python 2D plott...

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The Periodic Table of Data Science


This periodic table can serve as a guide to navigate the key players in the data science space. The resources in the table were chosen by looking at surveys taken from data science users, such as the 2016 Data Science Salary Survey by O’Reilly, the 2017 Magic Quadrant for Data Science Platforms by Gartner, and the KDnuggets 2016 Software Pol...

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xts Cheat Sheet: Time Series in R


Even though the data.frame object is one of the core objects to hold data in R, you’ll find that it’s not really efficient when you’re working with time series data. You’ll find yourself wanting a more flexible time series class in R that offers a variety of methods to manipulate your data.  xts  or the Extensible Time Series is one of...

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useR!2017 In Retrospect


This week, the useR!2017 conference took place in Brussels. useR! is the annual international R User conference and is the main meeting of the R user and developer community. More than 1,000 people from all over the world came to Brussels to discover the state of R. For those who didn’t make it, here are some of my personal conference insights...

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Tidyverse Cheat Sheet For Beginners


The tidyverse is a powerful collection of R packages that you can use for data science. They are designed to help you to transform and visualize data. All packages within this collection share an underlying philosophy and common APIs. As you might know, DataCamp recently launched the Introduction to the Tidyverse course together with David Robin...

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17 #rstats Tweets From 2017


It has undoubtedly been a busy year in the R -and, much broader, the data science- community. As the year is drawing to a close, I’d would like to take the time to look back at the moments that were most important, fun, relevant, … to the R community. In today’s blog post, I will do this by chronologically listing 17 of the retweeted and fa...

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17 #rstats Tweets From 2017


It has undoubtedly been a busy year in the R -and, much broader, the data science- community. As the year is drawing to a close, I’d would like to take the time to look back at the moments that were most important, fun, relevant, … to the R community. In today’s blog post, I will do this by chronologically listing 17 of the retweeted and fa...

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