Publications by Katy Haller
Week 11 Lab 5
Question 1 Use data for any city in the US except for Miami for at least four years, and explore temporal lags and monthly lags of the selected meteorological conditions: temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric sea level pressure. Based on this exploration, identify the important daily and monthly lags of these selected meteorological cond...
4507 sym R (3898 sym/14 pcs) 9 img 3 tbl
Week 7 Lab 2
Preparing the Data setwd("/Users/katyhaller/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/R Directory/EPH 727/EPH 727/Session_7_Lab_2") library(tidyverse) na_values <- c("missing", "999.99","","-9999","*", "T") library(readr) fivecities <- read_csv("FiveCityDataSet.csv", col_types = cols(DATE = col_datetime(format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"), ...
3352 sym R (3531 sym/8 pcs) 3 img
Session 5 Lab 1 -- Hourly Meteorological Data across 5 US Cities
Question 1 Based on skills you have already developed, acquire hourly weather data for at least five different cities with contrasting climatic conditions, such as a couple of cities from the coastal areas, a couple of cities from the middle parts of the US, a couple from the northern parts near the Great Lakes, and a couple from Southern parts. ...
2727 sym R (11549 sym/10 pcs) 5 img
Week 8 Lab 3
Question 1 • Download at any project and/or observed data on a climate or a meteorological variable. • Describe its spatiotemporal domain and dimension (2 points) Data from: - Carbon Monoxide data: - Wildfire data: cali_co<- read_csv("c...
2996 sym R (11158 sym/12 pcs) 3 img
EPH 641 Quiz 7
The HTML, interactive version of this document can be found here Q1: Type your zip code of the neighborhood you selected for sampling 33146 and the environmental condition or characteristic or pollution you selected for monitoring noise pollution. Provide a justification underlying your selection of the zip code and the environmental condition o...
3295 sym 1 tbl
Week 12 Lab 6
Question 1 Explore daily meteorological and clinical/emergency visits [veteran affair clinic facilities] data of 24 cities provided to you. Download/acquire population size data (by yourself) of these 24 cities, collocate these data with the asthma data and compute daily VA clinic visit rates for these cities. Develop exploratory statistical anal...
2815 sym R (4065 sym/12 pcs) 8 img 2 tbl
Week 13 Lab 7
Importing the Data case_data <- read.table("/Users/katyhaller/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/R Directory/EPH 727/EPH 727/Session_13_Lab_7/TimeSpace/patient_data.csv", header=T, sep=",") data <- read.table("/Users/katyhaller/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/R Directory/EPH 727/EPH 727/Session_13_Lab_7/TimeSpace/cl_pm25_da...
1310 sym R (1499 sym/11 pcs) 5 img