Jhonatan Flores 7
Sintaxis RMarkdown - Etiquetas Latest
Sintaxis básica Markdown Markdown es un lenguaje de marcado ligero (Lightweight Markup Language); siendo RMarkdown1 uno de sus dialectos, una de sus variantes, uno de sus sabores (Markdown Flavours) Encabezados - Titulos Titulo 1 Titulo 2...
1678 sym R (252 sym/3 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl
Juan Francisco Muñoz Rosas (Universidad de Granada, España) 7
Document Latest
1 Instalación de R y RStudio Para realizar un informe de este tipo debemos instalar los programas R y RStudio, ambos de carácter gratuito. A continuación se indica las páginas webs donde podremos descargarnos los archivos ejecutables de estos...
4960 sym R (1987 sym/23 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl
Jake Gelineau 7
Document Latest
In class activity2/22 Jake Gelineau 2/22/22 Fantasy Data from 2021 Season This dataset is of Fantasy Football statistics from the 2021-2022 NFL season. This data came from an online website that published the top 300 fantasy points scorers for...
1431 sym 1 img 1 tbl
Amazon Share Price Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
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Jenea Adams 7
STAT 500 - HW2 Latest
7.30 t = 2.24 pval <- pt(t, df=21, lower.tail=FALSE) pval ## [1] 0.01801848 7.32 # Question 7.32 fuel = c(41.5, 50.7, 36.6, 37.3, 34.2, 45.0, 48.0, 43.2, 47.7, 42.2, 43.2, 44.6, 48.4, 46.4, 46.8, 39.2, 37.3, 43.5,...
144 sym R (6089 sym/72 pcs) 5 img
Miao Yu 7
Test 1(2023.2.1) Latest
1. Data set mpg Question 1: What is the most popular fuel type in this data set? ggplot(mpg) + geom_bar(aes(fl), fill = "blue") + labs(title = "Car fuel economy data 'mpg'", x = "fuel type", y = "count") + theme(axis.title =...
1230 sym 3 img
Jimmie 7
R Script to retrieve data from Strava Latest
I wanted to have a general and standardized data set on which I base my scripts which try to visualize my sporting activities. This data set should be easy to update, and should be called from other scripts. For this I took a two step approach:...
2513 sym R (3938 sym/3 pcs) 2 img
Jimmy De La Fuente 7
Homework 2 Latest
Problem 2 Carefully explain the differences between KNN Classifier and KNN regression methods. KNN Classifier’s final result is the classification output for Y and is qualitative, while the KNN Regression’s final output predicts the...
5127 sym R (11906 sym/36 pcs) 3 img
심리학언어 Latest
— 과제 / 안진성 1. 변수명 바꾸기 mpg 데이터의 변수명은 긴 단어를 짧게 줄인 축약어로 되어있습니다. cty 변수는 도시 연비, hwy 변수는 고속도로 연비를 의미합니다. 변수명을 이해하기...
1487 sym R (18322 sym/38 pcs) 3 img
Jiwhan Yoo 7
Assignment 2 Latest
Question 2 Carefully explain the differences between the KNN classifier and KNN regression methods. A: KNN regression method is closely related to the KNN classifier. KNN classifier is used to solve classification problems. It first identifies...
5645 sym R (8138 sym/36 pcs) 4 img