Reproducible Research - Course Project 2 Latest
Reproducible Research: Peer Assessment 2 Jennifer Dimaano Impact of Severe Weather Events on Public Health and Economy in the United States Synopsis Storms and other severe weather events can cause both public health and economic problems for...
2148 sym R (10801 sym/48 pcs) 3 img
Jenna Wallace 7
HW2 Jenna Wallace Latest
Problem #2 Carefully explain the differences between the KNN classifier and KNN regression methods. KNN classifier method Given a positive integer K and a test observation x0, the KNN classifier identifies the K points in the training data that...
7045 sym R (11843 sym/39 pcs) 5 img
Julia Parker 7
My First R Markdown Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
594 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
Jesse 7
Who Had the Best Fantasy Football Season Ever? Latest
Who had the best fantasy football season ever? Well like most “best ever” lists, the real answer is… it depends. The results you get depend on how you define “best” and how you slice and dice the data. Want to claim James Brim is the...
4770 sym R (6239 sym/5 pcs) 12 img
Jesse Cambon 7
Geocoding with Tidygeocoder Latest
Tidygeocoder is a newly published R package which provides a tidyverse-style interface for geocoding. It returns latitude and longitude coordinates in tibble format from addresses using the US Census or Nominatim (OSM) geocoder services. In this...
2046 sym R (1040 sym/3 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl
Jessica Lissette Gamez Cuellar 7
Document Latest
##FUNCION QUE PERMITE CONSTRUIR UNA ECUACION CUADRATICA ecuacion_cuadratica<-function(a,b,c){ descriminante<-(b^2-4*a*c) if(descriminante>=0){ x1<-(-b+sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a) x2<-(-b-sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a) result<-list(x1,x2) return(result)...
61 sym R (440 sym/5 pcs)
Jessica Diouf 7
This is my first markdown file Latest
This is the title of the document This is a subtitle Ths is text information R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown...
672 sym 1 img
Jessica Huber 7
Research Design Homework 3 Latest
Background For this assignment, we will be working on understanding the behaviors and characteristics of people who use a digital application. The product offers recommendations on nearby attractions, restaurants, and businesses based on the...
14119 sym R (7072 sym/40 pcs)
Jessé Peixoto de Freitas 7
Regressão simples Latest
Questão 1: Item a) Uma questão relevante a ser analisar a possível relação entre despesa e salários. Para isso vou avaliar se existe alguma relação entre os salários médio anuais dos professores e a despesas médias por aluno. Para essa...
22375 sym R (2604 sym/26 pcs) 26 img 22 tbl
Jorge I. Estrada 7
Cambio de marcas Latest
1 Justificación El envejecimiento de nuestra población ha conllevado a un aumento relevante en la aparición de enfermedades crónicas (EC), las cuales, han generado un incremento en la utilización de los recursos sanitarios, donde una gran...
58129 sym R (11999 sym/18 pcs) 9 img