Publications by Jenea Adams
Quick text mining with R
Jenea I. Adams Website Introduction While writing a grant for BWCB, I wanted to improve some data visualization strategies to communicate certain demographics of our membership. Of these metrics is member area of expertise, which is a free-response section on the BWCB member application. I knew I would need to dive into a new tool, so here I sho...
5791 sym R (4729 sym/39 pcs) 7 img
Adams - STAT500 - Final exam
# install.packages(c("amssymb", "amsmath")) 1) 20 Points dataset1 = read.csv("dataset1.csv") head(dataset1) ## length ## 1 77 ## 2 289 ## 3 128 ## 4 59 ## 5 19 ## 6 148 a) Histogram of the call lengths and describe the distribution hist(dataset1$length, breaks = 20) n_dataset1 = 80 The distribution is significantly skewe...
7723 sym R (4345 sym/34 pcs) 5 img
STAT 500 - HW5
12.16 a ) The rule for examining standard deviations in ANOVA states that is the largest standard deviation is less than twice the smallest standard deviation, we can use methods based on the assumption of equal standard deviations, and our results will still be approximately correct. Int his case, the ratio of the largest to smallest standrard ...
6321 sym R (20464 sym/64 pcs) 3 img
STAT 500 - HW3
10.30 year = c(1992, 1996, 2002, 2007) gpa = c(2.85, 2.90, 2.97, 3.01) gpa_data = data.frame(year, gpa) # install.packages("ggplot2") library(ggplot2) gpa_scatter = ggplot(gpa_data, aes(x = year, y = gpa)) + geom_point() gpa_scatter #a linear increase does seem reasonable gpa_data$y_by_g = year*gpa gpa_data$year2 = year^2 gpa_data$gpa2 = gp...
107 sym R (4154 sym/37 pcs) 11 img
STAT 500 - HW2
7.30 t = 2.24 pval <- pt(t, df=21, lower.tail=FALSE) pval ## [1] 0.01801848 7.32 # Question 7.32 fuel = c(41.5, 50.7, 36.6, 37.3, 34.2, 45.0, 48.0, 43.2, 47.7, 42.2, 43.2, 44.6, 48.4, 46.4, 46.8, 39.2, 37.3, 43.5, 44.3, 43.3) mean(fuel) ## [1] 43.17 hist(fuel, breaks = 15) qqnorm(fuel); qqline(fuel, col = 2,...
144 sym R (6089 sym/72 pcs) 5 img
Adams STAT 500 HW 4
11.8 a) \(F = \frac{SSM}{DFM} = \frac{16.5}{4} = 4.125\) \(MSM = \frac{SSE}{DFE} \frac{100.8}{52} = 1.938\) \(F = \frac{4.125}{1.938} = 2.13\) b) DFs are 4 and 52 = 57 - 4 - 1 = (n-p-1) c) The P-value is between 0.050 and 0.100 d) \(R^2 = \frac{SSM}{SST} = \frac{16.5}{16.5 + 100.8} = 0.141\) 14% of the response variable is explained by the ex...
7744 sym R (13073 sym/68 pcs) 10 img 3 tbl
Adams - HW 6
12.74 dan = read.csv("EX12-74DANDRUFF.csv") head(dan) ## OBS Treatment Flaking ## 1 1 PyrI 17 ## 2 2 PyrI 16 ## 3 3 PyrI 18 ## 4 4 PyrI 17 ## 5 5 PyrI 18 ## 6 6 PyrI 16 head(dan) ## OBS Treatment Flaking ## 1 1 PyrI 17 ## 2 2 PyrI 16 ## 3 3 ...
3315 sym R (5951 sym/50 pcs) 5 img
Adams - HW 6
12.74 dan = read.csv("EX12-74DANDRUFF.csv") dan ## OBS Treatment Flaking ## 1 1 PyrI 17 ## 2 2 PyrI 16 ## 3 3 PyrI 18 ## 4 4 PyrI 17 ## 5 5 PyrI 18 ## 6 6 PyrI 16 ## 7 7 PyrI 17 ## 8 8 PyrI 20 ## 9 9 PyrI 17 ## 10 1...
3315 sym R (16080 sym/50 pcs) 5 img
HW4 - Project
library(tidyr) library("Przewodnik") ## Loading required package: PogromcyDanych ## Loading required package: dplyr ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union ## Loading re...
926 sym R (40188 sym/107 pcs) 14 img