Adriana Ávila-Reina 7
Unidad 2. P1 Estimación de pi Latest
Estimación del valor de pi Pasos sugeridos: Genere n coordenadas x:X1, . . . , Xn. Utilice la distribución uniforme con valor mínimo de 0 y valor máximo de 1. x <- runif(1000,0,1) Genere 1000 coordenadas y : Y1,…,Yn, utilizando nuevamente...
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Katherine López 7
Práctica de matrices en R y Publicación en Rpubs Latest
Creación de Matrices Matriz Y ##Generador de Matriz matriz_y <- matrix(data = c(30,20,36,24,40), nrow= 5, ncol= 1, byrow = TRUE) colnames(matriz_y)<-c("y") print(matriz_y) ## y ## [1,] 30 ## [2,]...
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Marly Valencia 7
Document Latest
GRÁFICOS DE REDES AVANZADOS Como se observa en los anteriores capítulos del libro, los paquete igraph y statnet aunque generan grafos de alta calidad, estos son estáticos y no permiten al desarrollador poder interactuar con los grafos....
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Fauvel, Rigaud, Laborde, Masiero 7
TD.ADD Latest
Get Started Include Library #ETL library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ## ✔ dplyr 1.1.4 ✔ readr 2.1.5 ## ✔...
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Statistical Golemns Latest
Scientific Golems and Research in the Era of Automated Intelligence. The Case of merging HMMs and Spatial Models Rasim Muzaffer Musal Science Fiction, Magic and Reality, images Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from...
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Vũ Anh Duy 7
Nghiên cứu Lactate/Albumin máu Latest
Nghiên cứu: Giá trị của tỷ số Lactate/Albumin máu trong tiên lượng tử vong 28 ngày ở bệnh nhân nhiễm khuẩn huyết Chạy số liệu lần 1 Hồi quy tuyến tính, đánh giá AUC của LAR library(readxl) lar1 <-...
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DIscussion_3 Latest
1.Definition of the Three Distributions #Normal disturbition: The normal distribution is a symmetric probability distribution centered around the mean, with its shape resembling a bell curve. It is defined by two parameters: the mean (μ), which...
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John Alexander Gonzalez Galindo 7
Correlación Latest
Introducción El arroz representa un pilar fundamental en la agricultura colombiana, siendo vital tanto para la seguridad alimentaria como para la economía nacional. Con una arraigada historia de cultivo en la región, Colombia ha experimentado...
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Lab 1 Case Study Latest
Lab 1 Case Study Jeevani P April 12, 2024 1. PREPARE Each machine learning “case study” is designed to illustrate how machine learning methods and techniques can be applied to address a research question of interest, create useful data...
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