
Emmanuel Okyere Darko 7

CLT via Simulation Latest


In this project I will investigate the exponential distribution in R and compare it with the Central Limit Theorem. The exponential distribution can be simulated in R with rexp(n, lambda) where lambda is the rate parameter. The rate used in this...

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Sebastián Irusta 7

Clase 3 Prueba Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

594 sym R (287 sym/3 pcs) 1 img

Reproducible Research - Assignment 1 Latest


Loading and preprocessing the data In this stage of the process all the required library folders were loaded on to the package. Four packages in total are loaded in the program. library(lubridate) ## ## Attaching package: 'lubridate' ## The...

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Jungkeon Jo 7

[AAEC 8610] HW2 Highway Accidents in 1973 Latest


setwd(“C:/Users/goobo/Desktop/Classes in UGA/Spring 2022/[AAEC 8610] Advanced Econometric Applications/Homework/Hw 2”) [Part A] highway <- read.csv("Highway1.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",") str(highway) ## 'data.frame': 39 obs. of 13...

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Govind Khatod 7

Predicting Medical Expenses Latest


Introduction In order for a health insurance company to make money, it needs to collect more in yearly premiums than it spends on medical care to its beneficiaries. Consequently, insurers invest a great deal of time and money to develop models...

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Gefei Yang 7

Document Latest


Directions During ANLY 512 we will be studying the theory and practice of data visualization. We will be using R and the packages within R to assemble data and construct many different types of visualizations. Before we begin studying data...

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Greg Klein midterm Latest


A card is drawn from a standard deck of 52 playing cards. What is the probability that the card will be a heart and not a face card? Write your answer as a fraction or a decimal number rounded to four decimal places. library(MASS) # 13 hearts in...

16742 sym R (6859 sym/194 pcs)


Benim meu país Latest


Benin é um pequeno país localizado no oeste da África, seu território é banhado pelo golfo da Guiné e faz limites com Burkina Faso, Níger, Nigéria e Togo. Benin foi um dos maiores entrepostos de escravos entre os séculos XVII e XIX....

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Greski, Len 7

Reading Excel files in R Latest


Reading Excel Files: A comparison of R packages Background Recently a person posed a question on Stackoverflow about four of the packages that are used to read Microsoft Excel files, including: readxl, openxlsx, xlsx, and XLConnect. The person...

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Gopi Sandeep Guntuku 7

Migration of LinkedIn members at the country-skill level, 2015-2019 Latest


Migration of LinkedIn members at the country-skill level, 2015-2019 Data Source: Data has been sourced from the citation “Talent Migration Data” by World Bank Group & LinkedIn Corporation, licensed under CC BY 4.0., published by The World...

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