Publications by Group 2:
Hacker News - Project Proposal
Hacker News Stories and Comments Analysis using Topics Modeling Group 2: Angeline Vaishali Yetukuri Swati Hiremath Sukumar Reddy Kottala Gopi Sandeep Guntuku Data: What primary data will you use? Hacker News is a social news website with an emphasis on entrepreneurship and computer science. The primary data source is taken from the below Ha...
2730 sym
Migration of LinkedIn members at the country-skill level, 2015-2019
Migration of LinkedIn members at the country-skill level, 2015-2019 Data Source: Data has been sourced from the citation “Talent Migration Data” by World Bank Group & LinkedIn Corporation, licensed under CC BY 4.0., published by The World Bank at Table...
5728 sym R (4294 sym/21 pcs) 5 img 3 tbl
Natural Images Classification using Deep Learning and Convolution Neural Network
Introduction Deep learning is a great approach to deal with unstructured data such as text, sound, video and image. There are a lot of implementations of deep learning in image classification and image detection, such as classifying image of dog or cats, detecting different objects in an image or do facial recognition. knitr::include_graphics("h...
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GitHub Data Analytics and Visualization
GitHub User: Johnny Chivers Johnny Chivers is a Full-Time AWS Data Guru and Part-Time YouTuber. The details of the Github Repository : Max Johnny Chivers has 33 repositories and 25 followers. The repositories are based on the tutorials uploaded in youtube. The Github link : Code Loading the libraries required i...
2171 sym R (6565 sym/26 pcs) 2 img 3 tbl
Publish Twitter - Dog Breed Classification using Convolutional Neural NetworkDocument
CIS8392 - Group 4 - Twitter - Dog Breed Classification using Convolutional Neural Network Narender Reddy Konuganti | Sivananda Reddy Bushireddy | Sukumar Reddy kottala | Gopi Sandeep Guntuku 04/27/2022 Recap of Project Proposal The primary data will be from Twitter’s API from @dog_rates, also known as WeRateDogs with the tweet IDs within it...
5892 sym R (203 sym/2 pcs) 2 img
Deep Learning - IMDB Reviews
Introduction On this article, we will try to apply Deep Learning Models on IMDB reviews dataset. Initializing the libraries library(knitr) library(keras) library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.1 -- ## v ggplot2 3.3.5 v purrr 0.3.4 ## v tibble 3.1.3 v dplyr 1.0.7 ## v tid...
1947 sym R (10235 sym/39 pcs) 6 img 1 tbl
Twitter Dog Breed Classification
CIS8392 - Group 4 - Twitter - Dog Breed Classification using Convolutional Neural Network Narender Reddy Konuganti | Sivananda Reddy Bushireddy | Sukumar Reddy kottala | Gopi Sandeep Guntuku 04/27/2022 Recap of Project Proposal The primary data will be from Twitter’s API from @dog_rates, also known as WeRateDogs with the tweet IDs within it...
5892 sym R (203 sym/2 pcs) 2 img