
Josh Ackerman MSA Walkthrough Latest


Assignment: Your assignment is to use your notes from class - along with help from classmates, UTAs, and me - to turn this script into a fleshed-out description of what is going on. This is a substantial project - we’ll work on it in steps over...

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Md Jahir Ahmed 15

Test File Latest


You can put chunks of R code by putting three backticks at the beginning and end of the chunk. You need to give each chunk a unique name in the {} Echo The echo command tell R whether or not to print the code that generated the result. Here is an...

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James Liu 15

rpub_test Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

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Jan Górecki - R 15

Data anonymization in R Latest


Use cases Public reports. Public data sharing, e.g. R packages download logs from CRAN's RStudio mirror – – mask ip addresses. Reports or data sharing for external vendor. Development works can operate on anonymized...

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January 15

Pathway analysis in R and BioConductor. Latest


There are many options to do pathway analysis with R and BioConductor. First, it is useful to get the KEGG pathways: library( gage ) kg.hsa <- kegg.gsets( "hsa" ) kegg.gs2 <- kg.hsa$kg.sets[ kg.hsa$sigmet.idx ] Of course, “hsa” stands for...

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CDL - JeenoGeorge 15

Sample Latest


Abstract Annual floods acutely affect the state of Assam, impacting over 100,000 people and killing hundreds of people, livestock and animals. Consequently, building a flood hazard model that identifies the basin’s flood-prone zones is critical...

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Karla Jelitza Bermudez 15

CASO 2 - Analisis de Resultados SARS COVID-19 en Mexico Latest


OBJETIVO: Analizar una base de datos de los registros de resultados de personas con caso sospecho de SARS-COVID-19. DESCRIPCION: En el portar de datos del gobierno federal se encuentra la base de datos de registro de personas que asisten a...

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Jessie Eastburn 15

GEOG6000_Lab02_Inference Latest


EXERCISE 1 The null hypothesis is there is no significant difference between the temperatures of males and females. The alternative hypothesis is there is a significant difference between the temperatures of males and females. Read in data...

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Jade Gurtala 15

Learning Log 1 Latest


Coding goals Since this is the first week of my coding journey, my main goals this week were to: - watch all RMarkdown videos - understand and be able to rudimentally use RMarkdown Challenges and/or successes Successes I managed to complete all...

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jiaoyuan huang 15

Document Latest


For this semester, you have two options: Use your own computer. If you have an older machine, you are likely to have problems with some of the installation of packages. If you have a MacBook Air or other “mini” type machine, you will...

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