
Jitender Aswani 15

Geocode your data using, R, JSON and Google Maps’ Geocoding APIs Latest


Over the last year and half, I have faced numerous challenges with geocoding the data that I have used to showcase my passion for location analytics.  In 2012, I decided to take thing in my control and turned to R.  Here, I am sharing a simple R...

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JL 15

Problem Set1 - ggplot basics Latest


Directions During ANLY 512 we will be studying the theory and practice of data visualization. We will be using R and the packages within R to assemble data and construct many different types of visualizations. We begin by studying some of the...

2844 sym R (1173 sym/5 pcs) 5 img

Stat 110 Syllabus Spring 2020 Latest


Overview Professor: Joe Roith Office: 403 Regents Hall of Mathematical Sciences (RMS) Telephone: (507) 786-3681 Email: Note: I will respond to emails as quickly as possible during the week before 5 PM. I may respond to emails in...

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Document Latest


Coronavirus in Nigeria Job Nmadu Summary Row confirmed 40,532 death 858 (2.1%) Row Daily cumulative cases by type (Nigeria only) Comparison Column Daily new confirmed cases Cases distribution by type Map World map of cases...

1157 sym R (11599 sym/2 pcs)

Jodi Jhouranda Siregar 15

Responsi 6 Latest


Soal 1 Untuk membuat tabung TV dicobakan empat macam tipe pelapisan. Peubah respon yang dukur adalah konduktifitas lapisan. ## value treat ## 1 143 v1 ## 2 141 v1 ## 3 150 v1 ## 4 146 v1 ## 5 152 v2 ## 6...

1461 sym R (3993 sym/9 pcs)

John Akwei 15

Merging Dataframes Exercises Latest


When combining separate dataframes, (in the R programming language), into a single dataframe, using the cbind() function usually requires use of the “Match()” function. To simulate the database joining functionality in SQL, the “Merge()”...

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John Ramey 15

Getting Started with Some Baseball Data Latest


With all of the discussions (hype?) regarding applied statistics, machine learning, and data science, I have been looking for a go-to source of data unrelated to my day-to-day work. I loved baseball as a kid. I love baseball now. I love baseball...

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Joseph 15

psch 251 Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

591 sym R (262 sym/2 pcs) 1 img

teste Latest


Dashboard Combustível Vizualização Column Valores dos Combustíveis Por Semestre de 2021 Porcentagem de Aumento nos Preços dos Combustíveis a Cada Mês Row Preços dos Combustíveis Por Mês medias de preços /mês...

1454 sym 1 tbl

Jenni Putz 15

Culture of Reading Treated Schools Latest



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