Apuntes Latest
Bienvenidos al curso Libros data.table Bienvenidos al curso Este ramo consiste en la comprensión y manipulación de datos, tanto en la utilización de visualización como en herramientas de análisis, para poder rescatar la mayor cantidad de...
2084 sym
Manuela Martins 16
Document Latest
Políticas Sociais e as Relações de Classe de Marx Precisamos começar a ver as políticas sociais sob outra perspectiva, tanto sua criação, quanto seu sentido. Sem desconsiderar os estudos anteriores tão importantes para a continuação e...
7173 sym
Data607 - HW 1 - Review of presidential poll Latest
Student: Manolis Manoli Overview of article and data chosen The data reviewed in this exercise is from the article “The Democratic Presidential Candidates Are Becoming Less Popular”...
1088 sym R (305 sym/1 pcs)
Marek Gągolewski 16
Properly “internationalized” regular expressions in R Latest
We should pay special attention to writing a truly portable code that works in the same fashion under different locales and character encodings. Currently, R has two Regex engines, ERE (via TRE) and PRE (via PCRE). What is surprising, they ought...
1877 sym R (1487 sym/3 pcs) 1 tbl
Camila - Lecture 1 Latest
This is an R Markdown Notebook. When you execute code within the notebook, the results appear beneath the code. Try executing this chunk by clicking the Run button within the chunk or by placing your cursor inside it and pressing...
744 sym 1 img
Document Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document...
598 sym 1 img
Martin Scharm 16
Export R data to tex code Latest
We often use Gnu R to work on different things and to solve various exercises. It’s always a disgusting job to export e.g. a matrix with probabilities to a document to send it to our supervisors, but Rumpel just gave me a little hint. The...
963 sym 2 img 2 tbl
Matt Bodi 16
My First Publication Latest
Q1 What is R? R is a coding engine that can run many functions Q2 What is RStudio? R is an open source coding application that provides its users with a friendly coding interface. Q3 What is R packages? **aye its some apps added to R studio**...
158 sym R (183 sym/3 pcs)
Maro Daniel De la Torre 16
Frecuencias de actividades de alumnos Latest
Hacer ejercicio de actividades deportivas y culturales actividad <- c('Dibujo', 'Tiro con Arco', 'Baile', 'Voleybol', 'Futbol', 'Americano', 'Natación', 'Tahitiano', 'Natación', 'Tiro con Arco', 'Futbol',...
335 sym R (5553 sym/22 pcs) 2 img