ContextBase - Sales Prediction of New Products Latest
Table of Contents Section 1 - The Problem Section 2 - The Solution Section 3 - Data Import Section 4 - Exploratory Data Analysis Section 5 - Data Transformation Section 6 - Feature Detection Section 7 - Outlier Removal Section 8 - Modeling...
6616 sym R (7170 sym/25 pcs) 6 img 9 tbl
jojoecp 16
Replicating economist plot Latest
In this article, we will try to replicate/remaking a plot from The Economist article using ggplot2 package. You’ll see all the packages that will be used in this code under the Libraries tab. The article and dataset can be read and download in...
2533 sym R (11949 sym/43 pcs) 12 img
Caso1 Latest
#Cargar librerias library(fdth) ## Warning: package 'fdth' was built under R version 4.0.3 ## ## Attaching package: 'fdth' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## sd, var library(readr) ## Warning: package 'readr'...
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How to raise money on Kickstarter – extensive EDA and prediction tutorial Latest
In this tutorial, we will explore the characterisitcs of projects on Kickstarter and try to understand what separates the winners from the projects that failed to reach their funding goals. Qs for Exploratory Analysis: We will start our analysis...
7118 sym R (8018 sym/32 pcs) 26 img
julianhi 16
Sentiment Analysis on Twitter with Viralheat API Latest
Hi there! Some time ago I published a post about doing a sentiment analysis on Twitter. I used two wordlists to do so; one with positive and one with negative words. For the first try of a sentiment analysis it is surely a good way to start but if...
3071 sym R (1988 sym/7 pcs) 8 img
Julio Ernesto Jaime Morales 16
1_AIUC1 Latest
#ASIGNACION DE PROBABILIDAD Y ESTADISTICA Para este ejercicio utilizaremos datos de el numero de dias con lluvia de la SMN-CONAGUA del periodo 1951-2010 de la estacion DGE de Ciudad Obregon, estos datos pueden ser encontrados en este enlace:...
2276 sym R (1512 sym/29 pcs) 8 img
Análisis Exploratorio de Datos Latest
Conociendo R Herramientas de Análisis Exploratorio Santiago Banchero Leo Lucianna Juan Manuel Fernandez Minería de Datos - UBA Sobre la Herramienta R es un lenguaje de programación con un enfoque al análisis estadístico. R es software...
5938 sym R (4506 sym/61 pcs) 14 img
June Yao 16
Assignment Latest
Assignment_Week01 2 File I/O 3 Numerical summary 4 Graphical summary 5 Write Data to File APP. Student Info June Yao 2020-08-27 2 File I/O 2.1 Read cereal=read.csv("Cereal.csv") 2.2 Data frames head(cereal) ## name...
743 sym R (5859 sym/54 pcs) 2 img
Justin Park 16
Practice Document Latest
This is my first markdown file Create my first chunk Create my first chunk (ctrl + alt + i) # create my first chunk minutes <- c(60,150,45,45,90,60,90,70,80,95) mean(minutes) ## [1] 78.5 sd(minutes) ## [1] 31.00627 create a boxplot...
125 sym R (137 sym/5 pcs) 1 img
Justin Krieg 16
My First Publication Latest
Q1 What is R? R is a free software Q2 What is RStudio? RStudio is a R language for code editor and development enviorment Q3 What is R packages? Complied code and simple data Hint: Type your answer in bold Note: For help with RMarkdown syntax,...
330 sym