
kafka 16

First 15 min. volatility impact on the day’s volatility Latest


One night I was hooked on this post at elitetrader. I spent couple of hours to find, that a guy is cheating a bit and he didn’t reveal his strategy. Not big deal – free lunch is rear. So, I googled about that guy and one thing catch my...

2000 sym 4 img

My 1st report Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

591 sym 1 img

Keyla Vanessa Alba Molina 16

Articulo(Martin, keyla, Endy, Jacob) Latest


Resumen Los modelos lineales generalizados son una propuesta de modelación estadística avanzada, que permiten codificar situaciones de análisis dentro de un mismo esquema general, modelando la variabilidad aleatoria y la correlación de los...

32200 sym 5 img

ANLY 512: Lab1 - Dashboard Latest


Investment Dashboard - Kaminee Shimpi Synopsis Row Case Scanario This dashboard facilitates to make investment decision in communication service sector with the goal to make short term gains. The data for this task have been imported from...

7232 sym R (14226 sym/3 pcs) 8 img

Bioinfo-workflow-shrooms Latest


A complete bioinformatics workflow in R By: Nathan L. Brouwer Modified By: Makayla Neal “Worked example: Building a phylogeny in R” Introduction Modern phylogenetic studies uses nucleotide sequences to classify evolutionary relationships...

10348 sym R (12970 sym/54 pcs) 1 img

Jeremy Yee 16

MPG-Project Jeremy Yee Latest


Abstract The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers a public facing data set of fuel efficiency estimates for a range of cars to assist the public in purchasing a car. The subset of data utilized in this analysis focused on 38 models of...

4801 sym R (1689 sym/9 pcs) 2 img

Kenith Grey 16

Control Charts with ggQC: XbarR Latest


XbarR charts are useful when monitoring a continuous process over time and your taking multiple samples in a given period. Some examples might include, the first, middle, and last parts coming off an assembly line, subgroups of molded parts...

2968 sym R (2214 sym/8 pcs) 12 img

quoc_nguyen 16

Statistical Computing Project Latest


#Load census dataset load("D:\\fall_2022\\MATH5640_Comp.Stat/census.RData") Part 1: Loading and cleaning Problem1. How many states are represented among the 74020 census tracts? How many counties? old_state<-unique(census$State_name)...

6640 sym Python (14278 sym/71 pcs) 4 img


Prueba Latest


print('hola mundo') ## [1] "hola mundo"...

7 sym R (38 sym/2 pcs)

Code by Nathan L Brouwer 16

Bioinformatics Workflow Latest


Introduction In biology, phylogenies are used to create a phylogenetic tree that can then be further analyzed. Vocab Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) phylogenetic tree fasta file pairwise alignment shroom gene packages cat distance matrix...

4675 sym R (15685 sym/60 pcs) 1 img