Ejercicio1 Latest
Paquetes Análisis de conteo de palabras para conocer su frecuencia Video de youtube de la charla: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural Principales ecuaciones utilizadas Concepto de PLN Funcion Datos de texto Conteo de lineas (renglones) Conteo de...
2329 sym R (11168 sym/38 pcs) 8 img
Coronavirus Comparison Germany vs Italy Latest
We use the data from Johns Hopkins University about global deaths and global confirmed cases. The program that produces the plots is available as report-Germany-Italy.Rmd. It is easy to download the program and to modify the relevant parameters...
2974 sym 15 img
Media Perception, Vote Confidence, and Partisanship around US Election Latest
REMINDERS: emotion_1 = Anger (1 = not at all; 7 = extremely) emotion_6 = Hope (1 = not at all; 7 = extremely) Vote Influence: govtPolEff.c: mean-centered - How much influence do you believe you have over national government decisions? (1 = not at...
8912 sym R (139775 sym/185 pcs) 18 img
ALT 16
Mickey Mouse Models Latest
My statistics professor once drew a little Markov chain on the board and called it “just a Mickey Mouse model,” because it was too simple to represent anything serious. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the...
580 sym 2 img
Anindya Mozumdar 16
Analysing IPL matches using Cricsheet data – Part 1 Latest
In a series of articles, I will be analysing Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket matches using data from cricsheet and using the R programming language. Cricsheet is an excellent website which provides ball-by-ball data for a large number of...
2823 sym R (3945 sym/3 pcs)
anspiess 16
Don’t recycle me! Latest
For me, one of the most annoying features of R is that by default, rbind, cbind and data.frame recycle the shorter vector to the length of the longer vector. I still don’t understand why the standard generics don’t have a parameter like...
1158 sym R (14393 sym/6 pcs) 4 img
Samuel Chan 16
Before you go ahead and run the code in this coursebook, it’s often a good idea to go through some initial setup. Under the Libraries and Setup tab you’ll see some code to initialize our workspace, and the libraries we’ll be using for the...
30267 sym Python (2981837 sym/185 pcs) 4 img
María Guzmán Martínez ( 16
Curso de R Latest
1 Objetivo En este curso se enseñará a crear y manipular objetos en R; principalmente vectores, matrices y funciones, para apoyar con las operaciones básicas de cálculo, álgebra y probabilidad. 2 Introdución R es un lenguaje de...
11990 sym R (6218 sym/180 pcs) 5 img 1 tbl
Armando Valdés 16
Principios de R Latest
Temario de la sesión 1 1.-Conociendo el entorno de R Studio 2.-Algunos atajos del teclado 3.-Importación de archivos CSV -Desde una ruta -Desde un directorio -Desde navegador -Desde la nube 3.1.- Importar archivos xlsx y bibliotecas...
592 sym R (4240 sym/32 pcs)
Arthur Barros 16
Exercício Ecologia Numérica Latest
Questão 5 A tabela abaixo apresenta os dados da macrofauna de uma praia arenosa. Elabore uma hipótese, escolha o método mais adequado para responder à sua hipótese e calcule. library(tidyverse) library(rmarkdown) library(knitr)...
479 sym R (1300 sym/3 pcs) 1 img