
Myles 17

My bookshelf Latest


I’d like to start with something small, and simple. The thing about analyzing the data of your own life is that you are the only one doing the research, so you also have to collect all of the data yourself. This takes effort; and, if...

6866 sym 20 img 1 tbl

Nagdev 17

Using Cassandra Through R Latest


In the last couple of years, there has been a lot of buzz around open source community. Almost every day, there are a lot of tools being open sourced. With a ton of open source tools in the market, don’t expect to have drivers built for every...

2135 sym R (626 sym/1 pcs)

Natalia Deaquiz T 17



Problema 1: Se desea comparar dos genotipos de papa con base en el rendimiento (biomasa de tuberculos). Un ensayo utilizó dos variedades (criolla y pastusa) involucrando 180 plantas de la primera variedad y 200 de la segunda. Los datos de...

1207 sym R (4161 sym/36 pcs) 3 img

ndphillips 17

I don’t want to learn R! SPSS is fine! (responses) Latest


I frequently find myself thinking of the best way to convince an SPSS user to make the switch to R. In the process, I came up with the three following most common objections by SPSS users and my responses. Objection #1) I can’t use R because I...

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Ngoc Nguyen 17

Thực hành Bioinformatic trong R Latest


THỰC HÀNH BIOINFORMATIC TRONG R Cài đặt PACKAGES install.packages(“taxize”, “rentrez”, “seqinr”) BÀI 4: LÀM VIỆC VỚI LOÀI Gọi packages taxize library(taxize) Trích xuất thông tin loài “Helinthus annus ssp....

2288 sym R (9247 sym/66 pcs) 5 img

eu 17

wildfire Latest


Pacotes Exigidos library(lme4) library(tidyverse) library(ggthemes) library(stringr) library(bbplot) library(stringi) Importando Resultados Res_Slope <- readRDS("~/RStudio/wildfire/Model_Resultas_Slope.rds") Res_Slopeintercept <-...

11524 sym R (20877 sym/29 pcs) 3 img

Causal inference with causal Bayesian networks and R’s bnlearn package Latest


Let’s rebuild the survey model. library(bnlearn) ## Warning: package 'bnlearn' was built under R version 3.5.2 ## ## Attaching package: 'bnlearn' ## The following object is masked from 'package:stats': ## ## sigma dag <- empty.graph(nodes...

608 sym R (1882 sym/11 pcs) 1 img

FundEva (Fernanda) 17

U1A1 Latest


3+2 ## [1] 5 3-2 ## [1] 1 4-4 ## [1] 0 3*2 ## [1] 6 4*5 ## [1] 20 10/2 ## [1] 5 3^2 ## [1] 9 3^1 ## [1] 3 3^7 ## [1] 2187 2^(-3) ## [1] 0.125 100^(1/2) ## [1] 10 sqrt(100) ## [1] 10 pi ## [1] 3.141593 exp(1) ## [1] 2.718282 log(exp(1)) ## [1] 1...

50 sym R (566 sym/44 pcs)

Dirección de Consistencia Macroeconómica 17

Tipo de Cambio Real Latest


Resultados del mes de Marzo de 2020 Tasa de variación anual: -2.7% (apreciación del ITCR) 1 En marzo de 2020, el ITCR presentó la más alta tasa de apreciación anual desde junio de 2016, comportamiento que se atribuye a las fuertes...

1965 sym

Covid_R0 Latest


Clearing environment rm(list = ls()) R0 function SIRR0 <- function(b,K,g,p,q,beta,delta,c,S0,omega,aH,h,gammaH){ R0 <- (b*K*(g*(p-1)^2 + p)*q*beta*delta + b*c*(-g*(p-1)^3 + p)*S0*omega + (g-1)*(p-1)^2*(aH*h + gammaH - h*gammaH)*(-K*q*beta*delta...

116 sym R (6136 sym/19 pcs) 14 img