Machine Learning in R 17
mlr wins Open Source Machine Learning Software Award Latest
mlr receives Open Source Machine Learning Project Award mlr receives Open Source Machine Learning Project Award We’re extremely proud to have received the Open Source Machine Learning Project Award at ODSC West 2019. We were joined by...
1442 sym 4 img
Tim Matis, Mary Adepoju 17
Typesetting with RMarkdown Latest
You can put chunks of R code by putting three backticks at the beginning and end of the chunk. You need to give each chunk a unique name in s the {} Echo The echo command tell R whether or not to print the code that generated the results. The...
2402 sym R (1737 sym/9 pcs) 1 img
mages 17
googleVis 0.2.9 Latest
We have published googleVis 0.2.9 on CRAN. The new version updates the package for the new features of the Google Visualisation API and brings an new in-page editor option. Here is a simple example, displaying the participants of the...
803 sym R (715 sym/1 pcs) 2 img
alex 17
hola mundo de R Latest
Titulo 1 Titulo 2 Titulo 3 Titulo 4 Titulo 5 texto libre, esto es letra negrita, esto es letra cursiva archivos markdown sirven para combinar con instrucciones R, y disponer de evidencias de un conjunto de casos datos <-...
234 sym R (154 sym/6 pcs)
Mathew Katz 17
Data 607 Assignment 1 Latest
Overview: In the dataset below we’re going to look at police misconduct settlements. More specifically, we’re going to look at settlements in New York City where the amount awarded was $100,000 or more from 2010-2019. In the article, “Cities...
1582 sym 1 img
Prayuda Zaky Al Mahdi UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 17
Exercise 1.45 Latest
===================================================== Nama Mahasiswa : Prayuda Zaky Al Mahdi NIM : 220605110118 Kelas : B Mata Kuliah : Linear Algebra Dosen Pengampuh : Prof.Dr.Suhartono,M.Kom Jurusan : Teknik Informatika Universitas : UIN Maulana...
333 sym R (305 sym/7 pcs)
Merlyne Desire 17
My First Publication Latest
Q1 What is R? R is like an engine Q2 What is RStudio? RStudio is a web based platform where we will post our work Q3 What is R packages? R Packages is similar to the applications on your phone Hint: Type your answer in bold. Note: For help with...
349 sym
Lecture 2 Notebook Latest
In this course we will use R Notebooks which blend blocks of R code with regular lecture notes. Below is an example of an R code block to perform a simple operation! 1+1 ## [1] 2 # Use the hashtag (#) to write comments, R will ignore code...
1050 sym R (4940 sym/60 pcs)
Ejercicio 1 Latest
Paquetes Análisis de conteo de palabras para conocer su frecuencia Video de youtube de la charla: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural Principales ecuaciones utilizadas Concepto de PLN Funcion Datos de texto Conteo de lineas (renglones) Conteo de...
2323 sym R (10888 sym/38 pcs) 8 img
Michael Munguia 17
DATA607 - HW 1 Latest
Overview The article, American Chess is Great Again, details how professional chess players transferred to play for the U.S. more than any other country in the years from 2000 to 2017. It also discusses some of the murkiness in the trade...
2334 sym R (2663 sym/8 pcs)