Publications by Michael Munguia

DATA 607 - Final Project


Introduction On both a national and global level, we are in an historic period of extreme uncertainty and high stress. As reports of infection rates and death counts are communicated on an at least daily basis, the crux of this project is to explore whether structures of musical and lyrical composition are descriptive, or even predictive, of a po...

7147 sym R (15729 sym/28 pcs) 3 img

DATA 607 - Week # 10 Assignment


1 Introduction This assignment was adapted from chapter 2 of Julia Silge and David Robinson’s Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach, which can be found here. A few sections directly translate their tutorial over to the different literary source material. I preserved the same numbering pattern so that the analogous section can be consulted more ea...

3979 sym R (6879 sym/26 pcs) 6 img

DATA 607: Week 9 Assignment


Introduction The goal for this assignment was to construct an R interface to read JSON data and produce a dataframe. I chose to work with the TimesTags API and, in this case, used the httr and jsonlite libraries. I also could not help myself and made use of tibble, stringr and dplyr to make the resulting dataframe more useful. Setting up R Times...

2651 sym R (4583 sym/9 pcs)

DATA 607: Tidyverse Assignment


Introduction Through this example, we’ll explore some of the capabilities of the stringr package, a particular component of the tidyverse that provides uniform and efficient string manipulation abilities that are much clearer to work with than the the analagous base functions. In many cases there are also convenience wrapper functions that hand...

3692 sym R (8918 sym/20 pcs)

DATA 607 - Project 3


Introduction The project goal was to gather and explore data revolving around the necessary job skills for a data scientist in today’s job market. As a group, we discussed potential avenues for data collection via slack and based on availabilities and time constraints, executed the most readily accessible strategies. Unlike a real-world work sc...

7929 sym R (12467 sym/26 pcs) 7 img 3 tbl

DATA 607 - Assignment # 7


Goal For this assignment, the goal was to load three different file types (HTML, JSON and XML) as data frames in R. The three files were created by me and hosted within the assignment’s github repository. The files contain some data on Dune, Book of Five Rings and Hagakure - all content that explores syncretic buddhist thought among other thing...

1196 sym R (2533 sym/8 pcs)

DATA 607 Presentation


3/11/2020 Typical iteration… times_two <- function(x) {x * 2} base_list <- list() for (i in seq_len(3)) { base_list[[i]] <- times_two(i) } base_list ## [[1]] ## [1] 2 ## ## [[2]] ## [1] 4 ## ## [[3]] ## [1] 6 …replaced by purrr::map… times_two <- function(x) {x * 2} purrr_list <- map(seq_len(3), times_two) purrr_list ...

384 sym R (1768 sym/19 pcs)

DATA 607 - Project 2


Intro In this project, I have selected three different data sets identified by my peers and will transform them to conduct analyses recommended by them. Since the focus is more the actual data manipulation, and to make things more succinct downstream, I am writing the following function to help streamline group aggregation. group_aggregate <- fun...

9538 sym R (10921 sym/43 pcs) 5 img

DATA 607 - Project 1


Introduction The goal of this assignment was to take a text file containing player score data from a chess tournament, in a specific format, and manipulate it into a shape more readily usable for data analysis or creation of a SQL table. Creating a function To do this, I loaded the tidyverse library (in order to make use of piping and the more s...

2460 sym R (3434 sym/3 pcs)

DATA607 - HW 1


Overview The article, American Chess is Great Again, details how professional chess players transferred to play for the U.S. more than any other country in the years from 2000 to 2017. It also discusses some of the murkiness in the trade negotiations and (reportedly) large sums of money involved in these trades. Further, it also explores how the ...

2334 sym R (2663 sym/8 pcs)