Lorenz Walthert 19
strcode – structure your code better Latest
I am pleased to announce my package strcode, a package that should make structuring code easier. You can install it from GitHub, a CRAN submission is planned at a later stage. devtools::install_github("lorenzwalthert/strcode") A concept for code...
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JBU LW Data Viz - TEAM B Time Series Latest
Lifewater Dashboard JBU Data Viz Class: Group 2 - Time Series — 12/13/2022 Giving Trend Page Summary of Donations Summary of Findings While in many areas there was a decrease in giving for 2020, overall donations have recovered but...
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Sudhan Maharjan 19
DATA621_blogs Latest
Simple Linear Regression It is a statistical method that allows us to summarize and study relationships between two continuous variables. The variables have to be quantitative. The main objective of SLR is to find if there is any kind of...
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Mahmuda Sultana 19
DEM 5093 Homework 1 Latest
Mahmuda Sultana Screenshot inserted into the R markdown showing the current R version of 4.1.2 : This is my R This is my QGIS...
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Martin Sielfeld 19
Testeo Mapas RM Latest
Introducción a la georreferenciación A continuación se plantean dos medios por los cuales se pueden generar gráficos de mapas y ubicaciones geográficas. Creando versión Ggplot2 Creemos un gráfico que muestre las distintas provincias de la...
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Matt 19
Using R, Python, & Plotly With Tableau Latest
Andy Kriebel recently pointed out that Tableau dashboards let you export their underlying data. Using data frames in R or Python we can read data from Tableau. Then we can plot with Plotly’s Python and R APIs. The use...
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Matt Shank 19
WQI vs. Trout Biomass in PA Latest
This document is intended to serve 2 purposes: An example of a data exercise using tidy coding workflow, including piping and featuring dplyr functionality Use real data to investigate the response of trout biomass (by species and overall) to...
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Explore the Effectiveness of COVID19 Vaccines Latest
1 Problem Description The purpose of this report is to investigate the effects of vaccines on two key aspects of the pandemic: slowing down the spread and reducing the severity of illness from Covid-19 The analysis was done using the...
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miguel angel navarro arce 19
caso 2 - miguel angel navarro Latest
Objetivo Realizar una interpretación de datos a partir de muestras simuladas mediante una distribución de frecuencias y visualización gráfica de datos cualitativos. Descripcion A través de un proceso que incluye datos, codificación y...
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