Jesus Javier Gomez Soto 19
Prueba1 Latest
Objetivo: Elaborar un archivo markdown que identifique muestras y medias de un conjunto de datos 1.Crear un conjunto de datos de una población con variables. El conjunto de datos será un data.frame(). 50 registros Crear un DataFrame() nombres...
1356 sym R (7428 sym/66 pcs)
Week12_Jeyaraman_Ramalingam_NoSQL Latest
tle: “607_Week12_NoSQL_Jeyaraman_Ramalingam” thor: “Jeyaraman Ramalingam” te: “11/24/2019” tput: html_document: df_print: paged Week 12 Assignment Initiate Libraries Connection to MYSQL mydb = dbConnect(MySQL(), user='root',...
170 sym R (1754 sym/20 pcs) 3 tbl
Jhampier Tapia 19
Ing Industrial - UPrivada Latest
Cargamos las librerias a utilizar #############################################library(dplyr) # for data manipulation library(caret) # for model-building library(DMwR) # for smote implementation library(purrr) # for functional programming...
265 sym R (35560 sym/65 pcs)
jjh 19
open-source campaign finance analysis with R and MySQL Latest
Introduction In Part 1 of this tutorial we introduced the fechell library by extracting all itemized contributions from individuals made to the Obama For America campaign in 2007 and 2008. In Part 2 of the tutorial we will summarize that data set...
11829 sym R (1206 sym/8 pcs) 2 img 2 tbl
Joyce Chiu 19
How a Non-Data Scientist Learned R and Delivered Reports 3 Days Faster Latest
In 2016, Chris Cardillo was a Strategist supporting the media buying team at M&C Saatchi Performance (known at the time as M&C Saatchi Mobile), a digital advertising agency with over 100 employees. His team faced a problem familiar to many: how to...
4273 sym 2 img
Temporalidad_Primera_Sesion Latest
Introduccion En el siguiente reporte se presenta informacion YTD correspondiente a las primeras sesiones registradas en nuestras paginas web, con un desgloce temporal (dia de la semana y horario). En este sentido, se ha descompuesto el horario en...
3504 sym 12 tbl
Anil Kumar Kanasani 19
German_Income_Analysis Latest
Reading the input CSV and investigating the structure in raw data df <- read.csv("germany_income.csv") str(df) ## 'data.frame': 137 obs. of 7 variables: ## $ age : int 30 22 22 26 59 61 46 30 35 26 ... ## $ fnlwgt : int...
1133 sym R (6551 sym/24 pcs) 3 img
karen 19
Tablas, histogramas y poligonos de distribucion de frecuencias Latest
#U1A2 #31/08/20 #2do ejercicio de estadística aplicada #Karen Espinoza #Tablas de frecuencia e histogramas #wd setwd("~/Estadistica") #Paquetes library("fdth") ## ## Attaching package: 'fdth' ## The following objects are masked from...
12 sym R (1389 sym/14 pcs) 7 img
Kristina Bishop 19
Resiliency - slides Latest
Resilience and Recovery Household Income Dynamics in the SIPP Kristina Bishop Introduction Income inequality is an economic concern Income inequality depends on factors such as: Distribution of shocks Effect of shocks* Income loss is difficult...
7324 sym 9 img 2 tbl